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  1. #21
    wndrngdru's Avatar
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    I'm not sure if it's intentional (or maybe inherited from CoreRPG), but when the Edit List is enabled on the action tab of an item, the delete icon covers the magnifying glass.

    My preference is that it would be to the right of the magnifying glass instead.
    I'm so bassic

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by wndrngdru View Post
    I'm not sure if it's intentional (or maybe inherited from CoreRPG), but when the Edit List is enabled on the action tab of an item, the delete icon covers the magnifying glass.

    My preference is that it would be to the right of the magnifying glass instead.
    That is inherited from CoreRPG, but it's not difficult to change I don't think. If I did change it though I'd want to change that behavior not just on items though, but anywhere in the ruleset there's a list of actions. So that'd be PC actions, NPC actions, abilities, probably some other places. Still doable though. Can likely get it out with the next update.

  3. #23
    BUG: When I am entering abilities and I press Tab to move to the next field, it allows me to tab to the description of the next field and overwrite it. The change is not saved permanently, but it is frustrating to not be able to tab-navigate down the fields.

    1. Create new ability, give it a name, press tab to move to the "Type" field.
    2. Press tab again, and notice you are highlighting the "Use Type" description.
    3. Type something like "Test" and notice you have overwritten "Use Type."
    4. Press tab again and notice you have moved to the "Can Select" description rather than to the entry field.

  4. #24
    BUG: When I drag an ability to another page to create a link, The auto-generated link name is unpluralized incorrectly, as something like "Abilitie: Enhanced Intellect"

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by lordjeb View Post
    BUG: When I am entering abilities and I press Tab to move to the next field, it allows me to tab to the description of the next field and overwrite it. The change is not saved permanently, but it is frustrating to not be able to tab-navigate down the fields.

    1. Create new ability, give it a name, press tab to move to the "Type" field.
    2. Press tab again, and notice you are highlighting the "Use Type" description.
    3. Type something like "Test" and notice you have overwritten "Use Type."
    4. Press tab again and notice you have moved to the "Can Select" description rather than to the entry field.
    Thanks for the report. I was able to reproduce and fix this; it'll be in the update this Tuesday.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by lordjeb View Post
    BUG: When I drag an ability to another page to create a link, The auto-generated link name is unpluralized incorrectly, as something like "Abilitie: Enhanced Intellect"
    I can reproduce this, but I think this is an issue with CoreRPG. I'll have to do some digging to see what's happening, but that drag/drop behavior is not something I've altered.

  7. #27
    Tab order can be specified via the tabtarget tag on each control. If none defined, then the order of control definition is used. Any string or number control/field that is not read only can be a tab stop.


  8. #28
    wndrngdru's Avatar
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    I was running a horror one-shot the other night when I found out that the increased die number on which a GM intrusion is triggered tops out at 5. Can we make that go all the way to 20? Horror Mode, as written in the CSR, increases by one each time a GMI is triggered in this way or every 10 minutes. No limit.
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  9. #29
    wndrngdru's Avatar
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    After creating content for the ruleset as well as running a few sessions with it, I must say I really like the way it works and is built. It has the power of a generalized toolbox while still allowing for the automation and time-saving that FG is great at.

    That said, there's one thing that I'm not a big fan of; the way Descriptors work. Just about any of the abilities a descriptor would grant live exclusively with that descriptor. They're generally not part of the Abilities one would pick for Type or Focus. This means the Abilities library gets "cluttered" with descriptor-specific stuff, though I have been putting them in a single "Descriptor Abilities" category to separate them from the "general population".

    I don't really have an answer to how it could work instead. Maybe just a way to create an Ability entry that's local to the Descriptor? Mostly these are just things that you'd want to see on your character sheet as something you can do. They rarely have a pool cost, but often have a use limit/recharge trigger as well as some sort of effect.

    Last edited by wndrngdru; October 28th, 2023 at 02:29. Reason: Correction to what I was actually talking about
    I'm so bassic

  10. #30
    wndrngdru's Avatar
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    BUG: Armor added via Feature from an Ability is cleared when clicking on the magnifying glass in the Armor box on the character sheet.

    Example: Ward
    1. Create an Ability with the Feature of Armor with a mod of 1.
    2. Drag/drop ability on character sheet. Armor increases by 1 as expected.
    3. Click magnifying glass in Armor box. Armor increase is removed.
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