June 5th, 2023, 00:27 #1
Looking for Players to Join a Long Term Group
We are looking for 1 or 2 players to join a group of 3 (plus a DM/GM) that have been together for 6 years but that have recently lost one of our other players. This group is really tight knit and we do all our adventuring in Mr. Greenwoods neighborhood, or should I say, various neighborhoods in his wonderful world. We gather on Monday nights at 5:00 pm US Central time and we use DISCORD as our method of voice communication. The DM (me) is somewhat old school and prefers simple character design and more Role Play than Roll Play, but you will get a chance to use your skills.
I forgot to mention in the original posting that this is a 5E game and I am not interested in the new changes they have put forth. My Pallys can smite as much as they want on their turns!!! Well, as long as they have spell slots anyway. I do abide by the "rule of cool" as long as it's not game breaking.
I have heard from a couple of people and I will be reaching out to you all soon.
If this sounds interesting to you, drop me a PM and I will reach out to you soon.Last edited by OldJarhead; June 5th, 2023 at 21:49.
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