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  1. #1

    Lining up grid to patreon content?

    I have a map that a creator posted, with a grid, and says it's 25x33 - which is correct.

    If I enter 25x33 in FGU it just changes the aspect ratio of the grid squares it overlays.

    Why can't I generate a 25x33 grid over the map so that it lines up perfectly ala Roll 20, Foundry, Owlbear Rodeo etc?

    Here's what I mean. I just want to snap a grid over his and make it invisible so that it lines up and can be used as the map that was purchased.

  2. #2
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forums.

    By default the grid is square. You can change that by clicking on the small link button between the height and width to enter different values into each box.
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  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Zacchaeus View Post
    Welcome to the forums.

    By default the grid is square. You can change that by clicking on the small link button between the height and width to enter different values into each box.
    Thank you for your reply, but unfortunately I'm not looking to change the grid shape as much as line it up with pre-gridded maps.

    For example, this map:

    It's listed as 39x56 grid size. There's already a grid on it. If I go into roll 20 grid options, you can set grid size. Not square size, but like how many overall grid tiles you have. If you put in 39x56, it will perfectly line up with the grid the artist drew on the map and characters can move about it.

    On FGU, the best I can do is hand draw a grid as close as I can with the mouse drag option, but it never lines up correctly. My only option is to use maps with no grids on them and add my own, but most artists only post maps with grids.

  4. #4
    damned's Avatar
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    You are entering grid dimensions into FGU but the numbers you are using are grid count.
    the image shared is obviously a preview and much smaller than the one you are using so i cant comment any further about putting a grid on it and lining it up.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    You are entering grid dimensions into FGU but the numbers you are using are grid count.
    the image shared is obviously a preview and much smaller than the one you are using so i cant comment any further about putting a grid on it and lining it up.
    Yeah, I intentionally sized it down since it was just an example. Even if I use the right size and drag the grid out myself it's never quite right. Roll20 has an option called 'snap to grid' that alleviates this. Doesn't FGU have anything like this?

  6. #6
    damned's Avatar
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    Snap to grid is for positioning tokens on corners or edges or center of grid. Roll20 and Fantasy Grounds cant "see" the grid that the artist places on the map. Its all just pixels to the application. If you share the image to me privately Ill have a look.

  7. #7
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eddiesuxnutz View Post
    Thank you for your reply, but unfortunately I'm not looking to change the grid shape as much as line it up with pre-gridded maps.

    For example, this map:

    It's listed as 39x56 grid size. There's already a grid on it. If I go into roll 20 grid options, you can set grid size. Not square size, but like how many overall grid tiles you have. If you put in 39x56, it will perfectly line up with the grid the artist drew on the map and characters can move about it.

    On FGU, the best I can do is hand draw a grid as close as I can with the mouse drag option, but it never lines up correctly. My only option is to use maps with no grids on them and add my own, but most artists only post maps with grids.
    Sorry, I misread your original post and I thought that the dimensions you gave were for each grid square and not the actual number of squares on the map. You can't enter a number of squares in FG. See video forty five here for details of how you can line up a baked in grid withan FG grid
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

  8. #8
    wndrngdru's Avatar
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    You can do it with a little math if you know the pixel dimensions (resolution) of the image.

    If your image's grid is 25 x 33 and your image is 1800px x 2376px, then you would divide 1800 by 25 and put the result (72) in the grid sizes in FG.

    You can even do this if the grids aren't square. Maybe the image was improperly resized in an image program and your vertical size is only 2300px but still has 33 vertical boxes. Then you'd just divide 2300 by 33 and put 69.7 in the Height box (after unlocking the aspect ratio, of course). At that point, you just use the large and small arrows to tweak the position of the grid so it lines up.

    EDIT: It would be kind of cool if FG did the math for you as an option when importing an image record. Something like a check box where you can indicate if the image has a grid which then pops up a window where you can input the number of horiz and vert boxes.
    Last edited by wndrngdru; May 29th, 2023 at 22:22.
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  9. #9
    JohnD's Avatar
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    Many images are skewed slightly either on purpose or by accident. It is best if you can get a version without a baked in grid.
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  10. #10
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    If you didn't catch it, the grid numbers used in FG are the number of pixels in a grid, and can be fractional. It's not the number of grids in each direction. You can also change to using the mouse icon in the grid control panel and draw out your square to size to match the baked in grid. But again, often times maps are not made with consistent number of pixels per grid and in those cases you will only be able to get so close.

    See the image below for the mouse icon I referred to above.
    Screenshot 2023-05-30 181707.png

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