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  1. #11
    Reg's Avatar
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    Sydney Australia UTC+10
    Quote Originally Posted by stephan_ View Post
    With UTC+10 there are two options:

    If you are familiar with the FG ruleset and only need an introduction to FG I can maybe squeeze in a 30 minutes class at around 5.30 AM UTC workdays.

    Alternatively the weekend may work. This weekend I could likely do either SAT or SUN around 6.45 AM UTC for around 1 hour. SAT maybe also a bit later, depending on whether a game fires or not.

    Let me know your preferences.

    I hadn't expected such an immediate availability of choice - Thanks!

    I was looking more down the track.

    I am familiar with FG, and have played STA several times on FG ( and once on Foundry ), so have an understanding of the system from a player's view point.

    I was after some guidance on the GM side of the screen:-
    -How to accumlate and apply Threat
    -How to decide what attributes and skills to combine for tasks
    -How best to adjudicate a players request for Focus to apply
    -running ship-to-ship combat
    -running PC-to-NPC combat and "initiative"

    Unfortunately, this weekend is about the only one in months where I will not be available - we're driving up the coast for a friend's birthday - timing, right?

    The UTC times mentioned would all work on any other week

  2. #12
    How does the next weekend look for you?

  3. #13
    Reg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stephan_ View Post
    How does the next weekend look for you?
    I'm all-clear for either Sat 26 Aug or Sun 27 Aug.

    Appreciate your time and help!

  4. #14
    GM Q&A class scheduled on the FGA Discord on SUN 8 AM UTC (I can do slightly earlier if necessary).

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by stephan_ View Post
    GM Q&A class scheduled on the FGA Discord on SUN 8 AM UTC (I can do slightly earlier if necessary).
    Please join us if you can!
    Last edited by Laerun; August 24th, 2023 at 01:15.
    FGA Founder
    FGU teacher and student!
    Ultimate License Holder
    Discord Alias: Laerun#6969

  6. #16
    Reg's Avatar
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    Thanks heaps guys.

    I'll speak to you on Sunday!

  7. #17
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    Thanks so much for last week's lesson.

    It was really helpful and greatly appreciated

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