Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2019
    Cambridge, ON, Canada

    Attack Table Issue with Degrees

    So I'm currently converting Elemental Companion and I have come up with an issue I need help with.

    I have created the proper RMTables for the attacks and criticals and they load up properly in my campaign. I can open the attack table and it shows everything where its supposed to be.

    My issue is when I try to make an attack in the items window where I see my problem. Now, in the weapon section of the item dialog I am able to select the proper attack table (Superior attack with Aether) but when I try to select the Max Rank / Size is where the problem comes.

    In EC there are 6 'ranks' in the attack table (Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Super Large and Huge). Not the ranks that Claw Law uses (Small, Medium, Large and Huge). Now when I select the Max Rank dropdown I only get the standard 4-step progression. I need to understand why my 6-step rank entries are not being recognized.

    I've attached a jpg showing my spell attack table on the left and a claw law attack table showing the standard 4-step. I also attached a jpg showing what I see in FG when I try to select a rank for my Superior Aether attack.

    I can't see anything that is different other than the number of steps so I'm wondering if there is something in the ruleset I don't see.

    I hope there's a quick and easy answer to this. I can provide any other info people need to help explain what's going on.

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  2. #2
    QuirkyBirky's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    The land of the Pecsaetan, in the Kingdom of Mercia
    I believe the attack sizes/ranks are hard coded in. Dakadin has flagged this up to me a few times (as my memory is awful!). Sure, you can add them into your XML and they'll appear in the table, but mechanically they won't affect anything so you have to try to remember and amend any attack roll results that don't comply with your tables.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2019
    Cambridge, ON, Canada
    Thanks for the explanation Quirky. I've put my suggestion in Idea Informer. Hopefully it will be picked up by Dakadin.

  4. #4
    Yeah it is something that I need to redesign since it has been hard coded in the ruleset since before I took it over.

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