January 27th, 2025, 13:47 #141
The simple solution is not to use the wizard if you want to home brew. It is s tool not required to make a character.
Old School Essentials Ruleset
5e Random Dungeon Generator!
January 27th, 2025, 21:11 #142
Oh for sure that's doable and it's actually the only way to build a PC in the FGU Mongoose Traveler rulesets. I've also found it necessary to use an alternate build approach for my Walker focused setting, because most players really want to play a WalkWarrior. So, flunking out on Survival rolls really flys in the face of that. And they all need the Walker Vehicle skill, which they can't get via the wizard.
I do find that using the wizard it's much easier to have multiple players building their PCs at the same time. Without it, I find I have to give attention to players one-on-one. Not a biggie, as I find we can still build a party of PCs in a 3-4 hour Zero-session.
The biggest challenge of not using the wizard, is that none of the random career roll tables have been created as actual tables. That's something we do have with the Mongoose Traveler 2.0 ruleset - not sure about the MGT1e ruleset. Those tables are in the on-line Cepheus Engine Core Rules book, but I find having new players refer to book tables while making manual dice rolls, to be awkward and too time consuming. Not to mention that automated roll tables are one of the best features in FGU and should be used when they can. Mostly because they really speed things up.
Anyhow, I appreciate and respect your not wanting to touch the PC creation wizard. Although I do consider obsolete careers still being present, to be a bug.
Has anyone created the career tables and made them available via a module?
I filtered on 'Chepheus Engine' in the Forge store, but didn't find anything.
January 27th, 2025, 21:14 #143
I guess I do not understand obsolete careers then. Which careers do you feel are not in the SRD?
Old School Essentials Ruleset
5e Random Dungeon Generator!
January 27th, 2025, 21:28 #144
Send me a private message with your discord name. I will send you a file. You can edit the careers in notepad and send it back to me. I will turn it into an extension for you
Old School Essentials Ruleset
5e Random Dungeon Generator!
January 27th, 2025, 22:10 #145
Nope, nothing to do with the default careers in the SRD. By obsolete, I mean custom careers that were once in the (Character) > Careers window, but have since been renamed. From my tests of the PC Creation wizard, the original custom career still appears along with the renamed career. It makes for a very long career list in the wizard, if you've renamed a number of custom careers.
[Edit] As an example; I had a WalkWarrior career, but wanted to have slight variations on service skills, specialtist skills and Adv Education based upon the different Houses in my setting. So I made a drag & drop copy of WalkWarrior and renamed the original to WWarrior Osiri. Then I renamed my WalkWarrior (copy) career to WWarrior Ardesh. Now when I run the PC creation wizard my WWarrior Osiri and WWarrior Ardesh careers are among the list of available careers, but WalkWarrior is also still there.
Note: I haven't tried deleting custom careers to see if they still remain available to the wizard. But I'll test that next time I have FGU running.Last edited by kronovan; January 27th, 2025 at 22:22.
January 27th, 2025, 22:13 #146
January 27th, 2025, 22:28 #147
Ok when you do let me know. I can go ahead and send you the file if you ping me on discord
Old School Essentials Ruleset
5e Random Dungeon Generator!
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