5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #111
    Quote Originally Posted by bayne7400 View Post
    I worked with Jason Kemp on this, who is the author the core book on the forge and invented the game. We used what he said to use. The is really nothing materially different between the online srd and the MTP published version
    Correct, the content is the same. However, if you read the MTP book I listed up thread that's authored by Jason Kemp and then Samardan Presses' CE System Reference book, I believe you'll find MTP/Kemp's book as a better organized, more lucid presentation of the rules and overall better quality. I also own Cepheus Deluxe as well as Hostile Rules (both quality publications) and I consider MTP's take on the rules/SRD to be as good or better.

    Glad to hear Jason Kemp was involved with this DLC - will definitely be buying it.

  2. #112

    Option for no stat modifiers on skills?

    Sorry if I missed it, but is there an option to exclude the stat modifier on skills? I'm trying to set up a Hostile RPG campaign. That ruleset is based off of Cepheus, but the skills don't use the stats.


  3. #113
    I'll add a dash to the stat toggle on the skills tab. Dash will not apply any modifer

  4. #114
    OK update and give that a try. Also fixed the deprecated message on skill records.

  5. #115

  6. #116
    Is there any option to disable to default content, e.g. the careers? I know I can add additional ones and they show up in character building, but I can't find any way to disable existing ones. (Also I assume you're aware of the recent ui update breaking things like the psionics tab already)

  7. #117
    I am not aware but I will check it out. You cannot remove default careers from the character wizard. You can make a character without using the wizard though.

  8. #118
    gotcha, thanks!

  9. #119

  10. #120
    Just purchased and going to bring over my Roll20 Traveller game. Looking forward to this!

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