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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by BushViper View Post
    I assume this ext has been abandoned given that the conflicts persist?
    My team and I have not been able to work on this extension in quite some time due to life getting in the way, unfortunately. Beyond the compatibility issues, something we came across recently through inadvertent playtesting is that while the extension correctly detects Glancing Blows no matter if it is the host or a client who rolled the attack, it only actually halves the damage if the attack was rolled by the DM/host.

    I would love to be able to tell you that this will be resolved soon, but the reality is that I simply don't know when we will be able to work on this again. Thanks for your understanding, and I apologize for the inconvenience.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by rhagelstrom View Post
    You can try my branch I put in a pull request a while back on the Authors GitHub.
    Hey there, rhagelstrom! We have updated this extension to fix the bug where only the DM could roll Glancing Blow damage (successfully; players will now correctly roll GB damage) as well as some other bugs caused by Fantasy Grounds updates. When we did this, we started with the version/fork you made to fix compatibility with other extensions; we are hoping that that compatibility has remained intact with our changes, but we can't test that as we don't have access to those paid extensions ourselves. There's no obligation, of course, but if you're interested I would love to hear from you whether or not this version (v1.1.1, live in Forge and also published to GitHub) works with BCEG (etc.). Let me know!

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