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  1. #1
    Marmus's Avatar
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    Jun 2017

    Mythic Game Master Emulator - 2nd Edition, on the Forge

    Mythic Game Master Emulator, Second Edition, is now available as a Fantasy Ground Module on the Forge.

    Link to item: https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/1127/view

    The full 230 pages of text (and images) from the PDF are provided within the Reference Manual.

    Created in CoreRPG to be used in ANY ruleset.

    Contains over 400+ rollable tables.

    Custom Tracker image to manage your Chaos Level, with links to odds for Fate Rolls (Yes/No questions) at each Chaos Level, Rolls for Altered Scenes/Interupted Scenes, Character Lists, Thread Lists, and Random Events.

    47 Meaning Tables to add just the right detail to your adventures when you need it.

    For support with the Mythic GM Emulator Module within Fantasy Grounds, either post here or come to our Discord and tag @marmus so I can help you... Discord server - https://discord.gg/FVgtecr

    Marmus / Marmusman
    Team Twohy Member
    Team Twohy Discord

    My Module Conversions on DMsGuild

    My Module Conversions on The Forge:
    Last edited by Marmus; July 31st, 2024 at 02:12.

  2. #2
    Marmus's Avatar
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    [Reserved for future post]

  3. #3
    Awesome! I just got the Physical copy and now the FGU digital copy. I've been begging Monte Cook Games and Smiteworks to work together but apparently there's some bad blood. Maybe eventually we can get a group of players and GMS to import a bunch of Cypher and Numenera books (NOT TO DISTRIBUTE) but for us to run some games here and build the community more. For now I'm buying all of the Monte Cook Games Physical books, perhaps in the future I'll have all the FG digital versions as well, but RNJesus doesn't always roll 20s (or 1s depending on the game system).
    FGU Ultimate|OGL 1.0a forever | Open RPG Creative (ORC) license!
    I play and GM everything and anything!
    Come join me and make some memories of another life.
    DMing Curse of Strahd with 6 wonderful people.
    Playing 5e in Midgard with Sir Greystone
    Playing Rolemaster and Fallout 2d20 with GM Max
    Playing Against the Darkmaster with Kergan
    Solo Roleplaying to become a better GM and experiment with systems that aren't as popular.

  4. #4
    We’re open to working with them, and don’t have any issue on our side. We would have to find a community DLC developer to do the work, if they decided to move forward.


  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by MentalChillness View Post
    Awesome! I just got the Physical copy and now the FGU digital copy. I've been begging Monte Cook Games and Smiteworks to work together but apparently there's some bad blood. Maybe eventually we can get a group of players and GMS to import a bunch of Cypher and Numenera books (NOT TO DISTRIBUTE) but for us to run some games here and build the community more. For now I'm buying all of the Monte Cook Games Physical books, perhaps in the future I'll have all the FG digital versions as well, but RNJesus doesn't always roll 20s (or 1s depending on the game system).
    I don't believe this product is associated with Monte Cook as it's from Word Mill. I have used Mythic with Cypher and Numenera if that is what you were referring to.
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  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by superteddy57 View Post
    I don't believe this product is associated with Monte Cook as it's from Word Mill. I have used Mythic with Cypher and Numenera if that is what you were referring to.
    Cheers! Until we can get more official support that is. I'd volunteer to translate their pdfs into FGU mods and extensions but I haven't heard back from them yet. Perhaps persistence is key here.
    FGU Ultimate|OGL 1.0a forever | Open RPG Creative (ORC) license!
    I play and GM everything and anything!
    Come join me and make some memories of another life.
    DMing Curse of Strahd with 6 wonderful people.
    Playing 5e in Midgard with Sir Greystone
    Playing Rolemaster and Fallout 2d20 with GM Max
    Playing Against the Darkmaster with Kergan
    Solo Roleplaying to become a better GM and experiment with systems that aren't as popular.

  7. #7
    Marmus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MentalChillness View Post
    Awesome! I just got the Physical copy and now the FGU digital copy. I've been begging Monte Cook Games and Smiteworks to work together but apparently there's some bad blood. Maybe eventually we can get a group of players and GMS to import a bunch of Cypher and Numenera books (NOT TO DISTRIBUTE) but for us to run some games here and build the community more. For now I'm buying all of the Monte Cook Games Physical books, perhaps in the future I'll have all the FG digital versions as well, but RNJesus doesn't always roll 20s (or 1s depending on the game system).
    I am not clear as to why this comment is here? This has nothing to do with the topic of Mythic GM Emulator 2nd Edition by Tana Pigeon at Word Mill Games.

    Marmus / Marmusman
    Team Twohy Member
    Team Twohy Discord

    My Module Conversions on DMsGuild

    My Module Conversions on The Forge:
    Last edited by Marmus; July 31st, 2024 at 02:12.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Marmus View Post
    I am not clear as to why this comment is here? This has nothing to do with the topic of Mythic GM Emulator 2nd Edition by Tana Pigeon at Word Mill Games.
    I was just explaining how we get awesome 3rd party content like Mythic Games but nothing from Monte Cook. That's what I'd really love to have available on FG.
    FGU Ultimate|OGL 1.0a forever | Open RPG Creative (ORC) license!
    I play and GM everything and anything!
    Come join me and make some memories of another life.
    DMing Curse of Strahd with 6 wonderful people.
    Playing 5e in Midgard with Sir Greystone
    Playing Rolemaster and Fallout 2d20 with GM Max
    Playing Against the Darkmaster with Kergan
    Solo Roleplaying to become a better GM and experiment with systems that aren't as popular.

  9. #9
    Does purchase from the forge allow for reading a pdf outside of Fantasy Grounds or is this strictly for use within?

    I'm wondering if I can read a pdf version, say on my tablet or phone? If it only works within FG then I'll have to make decisions. Thanks

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Jaxilon View Post
    Does purchase from the forge allow for reading a pdf outside of Fantasy Grounds or is this strictly for use within?

    I'm wondering if I can read a pdf version, say on my tablet or phone? If it only works within FG then I'll have to make decisions. Thanks
    It's strictly within FG. It may allow some table uses if you have some systems or solo adventurers that you can use with it in FGU. The pdf version is available on Drivethrurpg and I prefer reading things on PDF over FG personally. But I also bought the nice hardcover from Drivethru, so I'm a bit old fashioned as well.
    FGU Ultimate|OGL 1.0a forever | Open RPG Creative (ORC) license!
    I play and GM everything and anything!
    Come join me and make some memories of another life.
    DMing Curse of Strahd with 6 wonderful people.
    Playing 5e in Midgard with Sir Greystone
    Playing Rolemaster and Fallout 2d20 with GM Max
    Playing Against the Darkmaster with Kergan
    Solo Roleplaying to become a better GM and experiment with systems that aren't as popular.

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