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  1. #1

    DCC Character Creation Tutorial

    Anyone know of a video or other tutorial on method and best practices for character creation in FGU for DCC? Thanks.

  2. #2
    leozelig's Avatar
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    I’m not aware of any. We need something like that though - volunteers?

  3. #3
    I think there are a few steps missing but here's what I have:

    Making a Dungeon Crawl Classics character

    ___Step 1 0-Level Character___
    - Option 1 - the funnel character

    in the chat field, type `/funnel` and press enter

    creates a ready 0-level character

    The usage for `/funnel` is '/funnel <# of 0-level characters to create> <owner's username>

    @leozelig provided these examples:

    ...specify a number of characters, with a max of 24(?), and an owner.

    if you type /help in chat, the funnel command and its optional parameters are listed.

    Create 4 PCs with no owner:
    /funnel 4

    Create 2 PCs and assign to thornlord (username is case-sensitive):
    /funnel 2 thornlord

    - Option 2 - one step at a time
    click the characters button
    click the green (+) button on the bottom right.
    on the character sheet, click the red (/) button to unlock the roll attributes button
    click the blue (*) button to have Fantasy Grounds Unity roll the 3d6 scores and apply to the sheet
    click Modules > 'DCC RPG' > Tables > Table 1-2: Luck Score
    click Tables, search for Language, click 'Languages, 0-Level Human'
    click Tables, search for occupation, click 'Table 1-3: Occupation'
    o click and drag the results from the chat window to the character sheet
    All 0-level characters start with the following items:
    o 1d4 hit points, modified by STA
    o +0 save bonuses
    o 5d12 copper pieces
    o 0 experience points
    o 1 random piece of equipment (roll on table 3-4)
    o 1 random occupation
    - one weapon and training in its use
    - trade goods


    ___Step 2 XP to Level 1___
    o 10 XP brings a character to 1st level
    o choose a class that fits the character's ability scores
    o click the Character > Classes button
    o on the character sheet, click the 'Class & Level' field
    o on the XP field, increase the value from 0 to 10
    o click & drag the class from the Classes window onto the character's 'Class' field
    Last edited by thornlord; September 19th, 2023 at 16:27. Reason: adding command usage and examples from leozelig

  4. #4
    leozelig's Avatar
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    Thank you, thornlord!

    I will add that the /funnel command also allows you to specify an owner and a number of characters up to 24 max.

    Create 4 PCs with no owner:
    /funnel 4

    Create 2 PCs and assign to thornlord (username is case-sensitive):
    /funnel thornlord 2
    Last edited by leozelig; December 20th, 2023 at 12:05.

  5. #5
    Thank you guys, this is great information. I wrote to DCC suggesting they should work with FG to develop tutorial videos as well...we'll see. Thanks again!!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by leozelig View Post
    Create 2 PCs and assign to thornlord (username is case-sensitive):
    /funnel 2 thornlord
    Oh! I'd forgot you can do this!

  7. #7
    leozelig's Avatar
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    Just a heads up, if you type /help in chat, the funnel command and its optional parameters are listed. I can never remember the sequence for username and #chars, but the list of slash commands will tell you.

  8. #8
    When I try /funnel 4 I get 4 characters, but if I try /funnel 4 Alex or /funnel 4 GM, I get only one, and its owner isn't assigned. Does it matter that there's no player logged in named Alex, and is that the reason it failed to make 4?

  9. #9
    leozelig's Avatar
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    Try /funnel Alex 4 or /funnel GM 4. I think I mixed up the order in my posts above. If you type /help in chat, it will show you the correct order for parameters, which I believe is

    /funnel <username> <#>

    I can’t keep that straight for some reason. It does try to match the username to an active user, so if it still doesn’t work, then that’s why

  10. #10
    Is the /funnel command available to players or just the GM?
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