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  1. #81
    I pushed a fix for this. Hopefully they can get it updated soon.

    Thanks again

  2. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by bayne7400 View Post
    I pushed a fix for this. Hopefully they can get it updated soon.

    Thanks again
    Thank you!

  3. #83
    I couldn't identify your bug with the character sheet. So hopefully you can followup with that Proffdog.

  4. #84
    Running bare-bones with no extension and the character sheet looks like the attached photo. I can't right-click to add Flaws (or rather I can but to the option to add isn't there unlike the Boons field above).
    Attached Images Attached Images

  5. #85
    Quote Originally Posted by ProfDogg View Post
    Running bare-bones with no extension and the character sheet looks like the attached photo. I can't right-click to add Flaws (or rather I can but to the option to add isn't there unlike the Boons field above).
    Never mind! I didn't realize I could scroll lower after having expanded the sheet dimensions... Many apologies...

  6. #86
    Clearly I need to set some minimum dimensions. Lots of stuff has been changing so not quite sure if that got removed. This original sheet obviously was not mine and I was trying my best to keep it looking like the old one.

  7. #87
    I am having trouble with adding fate points to the character sheet. I am able to left click on the circle and add fate points, but as soon as a left click anywhere on the character sheet, the fate points go back to zero. I had a similar problem with Lifeblood in that characters who chose the boon "hard to kill" (which adds +2 to one's lifeblood total). When I first tried typing in the +2 it kept defaulting back to 10 + strength. However, once I checked the box for "hard to kill" it fixed the problem. Is there something similar that is needed for adding fate points? I've tried checking the box next to priest under careers, but that had no effect.

  8. #88
    Fate points are tied to a priest career so let me test it some today and get back to you. Clicking the circle next to the career adds the bonus to the subsequent roll.

  9. #89
    "Priests and druids receive 1 Fate Point per hour spent at their devotions. They can receive a maximum number of Fate Points equal to their priest or druid rank. However, the expectations of their worship are higher, the longer they spend at the temple:"

    So you need to career rank to adjust fate points. I tested this and it works.

  10. #90

    I was recommended to come here by Fantasy Grounds when I submitted a ticket. I was GMing a session this past weekend and my magician noticed that when he cast a spell all of his arcane points (AP) were used instead of the 2 or 4 AP that the spell was actually supposed to cost. The second issue I have is I cant add any spells to my character sheet and I cant see any spells my players add to their character sheets. Any have any thoughts or fixes for this issue? Thank you in advance.Screenshot 2024-04-27 220242.png I only have some maps, Calendar and Defualt fumble and critical hit tables activated. Thank you for all the work we really enjoyed playing this weekend.
    Last edited by stormlordrising1; April 28th, 2024 at 22:28.

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