Fantasy Grounds Gaming Lounge (FGGL) provides a virtual meeting place for GMs and players to get together to play roleplaying games (RPGs) using the Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop software (VTT).
We currently host over 50 games per month on Fantasy Grounds. No pay-to-play.
We strive to be a supportive and friendly community.
We provide game scheduling tools along with voice and text channels to support scheduled games. Due to support from our boosters, we offer higher quality audio and video than the standard level of discord.
We provide chats and resources for players and GMs.
GMs and players can engage with a variety of people and learn from each other to improve their RPG skills.
Whether it's a oneshot or an ongoing game, GMs can hosts their games here, using any RPG system, as long as they use the Fantasy Grounds VTT.
We welcome and support new players and gamemasters!
You can join our discord at
You can see our game schedule at (click the schedule button to see agenda/calendar views)