Cosmere RPG Beta Launch

Thread: New Guy Intro

  1. #1

    New Guy Intro

    Hello everyone, I am new to Fantasy Grounds and new to Castles and Crusades, but not new to RPGs. I played a lot of D&D 1E back in the day and have played a few rounds with my kids to introduce them to gaming. They are now playing with their own friends, and I would like to get back into some old school adventuring. I can see a lot has changed since the early 80s and I am going to dive right in. I did some research on Castles and Crusaders and I really like the feel and flow of the system. If anyone would like to help this old dude out, please let me know. I would like to learn the mechanics of FG, maybe join in on an adventure or two, and then build my own. Thanks !!!

  2. #2
    Savage Rifts© on Fantasy Grounds Store
    Ultimate Edition Fantasy Grounds - ONLY ON Linux
    Twitch Channel

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Jiminimonka View Post
    Thank you, and hopefully I can find an active gaming crew !!

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