Couple of things to help.
Type in chat /debug on and this adds a panel top left that displays more information about whatever your mouse is hovering over.

Find features/interfaces/workflows in existing rulesets that you want to emulate/learn/modify/steal and then use find in files search to locate them.
Note many components will rely on multiple pieces of code/definition to make work.

Eg a button will have
(one or more) icon/graphic definitions in another file
probably (one or more) templates in another file
some positioning and anchoring where the button is used
possibly some inherited anchoring from the template
some script or functions where the button is used
possibly some script or functions from the template

So once you locate the initial code in the ruleset (CoreRPG or the ruleset on top eg 5E or other) you will also have to backtrack to find these other components.

do a find on files on char_attacks and find
<icon name="char_attacks" file="graphics/icons/char_attacks.png" />
<label_charframetop name="weapontitle">
do a find on files on label_charframetop and find
	<template name="label_charframetop">
			<frame name="metalplate" offset="10,2,10,2"/>
			<center />
			<nodrag />
			<readonly />
			<script file="campaign/scripts/char_labelframetop.lua" />
and note that it contains a script file but also includes another template metalplate which looks like this:
	<template name="metalplate">
			<frame name="metalplate" offset="10,2,10,2"/>
			<nodrag />
			<readonly />
which also contains a frame and a font, both defined elsewhere.

Sometimes you will have to search just the layered ruleset, sometimes you will need to go back up and also search CoreRPG too.