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  1. #11
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Chapter 1 is split off into a Player module. It is safe to mark as Shared with players since they will use it to build characters.

  2. #12

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Valyar View Post
    That's the new way of doing things. The only missing thing is resizing the reference pages
    Why are we doing this now in the reference manual? Not a fan, I love my story entries of being able to drop the main entry into a quickslot and then open the rest from the entry.
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  4. #14
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FSHSchmo View Post
    Why are we doing this now in the reference manual? Not a fan, I love my story entries of being able to drop the main entry into a quickslot and then open the rest from the entry.
    You can do the same thing with a reference manual page.

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by ddavison View Post
    You can do the same thing with a reference manual page.
    I am aware of that, what was I referring to is having the main story entry for a chapter in a quick slot (chapter 13 in the picture from OoTA). I can open that story entry and it has all the sub chapters listed within the entry, so one quick slot gives me access to all the stories for that chapter. With the reference manual each entry is it's own link, so with a chapter (chapter 3), I would need a ton of quick slots (I know FG has a ton) or make my own story entry and drop each one in there. I attached a picture for reference. I was curious as to why the change. I know that the reference manual allows for more formatting options, adding pictures, etc., but imho it's a pain to navigate when running a game.
    Fantasy Grounds - All The Links.jpg
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  6. #16
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    So it seems like you want an index of shortcut links, but not the TOC index links that are grouped by chapter and sub-chapter in the reference manual navigation pane.

    The image you shared from OOTA was content we had to create to make story entries navigable because story entries did not support a navigation of a TOC. The reference manual has that already built in with the left pane of the reference manual already. We could literally create that same exact chapter index page for the start of every chapter and put it directly within the reference manual content pane. It isn’t a feature that story entries can do and reference pages cannot. It was just not done because it seemed like duplication of the content from the reference manual navigation pane into reference manual content pane.

    The left side panel is already the links you could create by making a single story entry and dragging the link from each page (top-left shortcut for each page) ti a single story entry. I could see a possible benefit from being able to drag a chapter or sub-chapter from the reference manual navigation panel to a story or hotkey.

  7. #17
    I just bought this module for FG and as I was reading through chapter 1, I noticed the reference of a "Wartime Rumors" table that should be present on the DM module (first present at the end of the "Life on Ansalon" chapter) , however I can't seem to find it inside the tables or any other division.
    Am I just blind or is it really missing?

  8. #18
    Chapter 3, Invasion of Vogler, Escape From Vogler - Missing player map
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  9. #19
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FSHSchmo View Post
    Chapter 3, Invasion of Vogler, Escape From Vogler - Missing player map
    It is just a single map. There is a Tags layer that you can decide if you don't want players to see or not. I marked them as visible to All by default because I don't think this is knowledge the players would not have. You can override that if you want by changing the visibility of the tags layer to GM only.

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by LDuck View Post
    I just bought this module for FG and as I was reading through chapter 1, I noticed the reference of a "Wartime Rumors" table that should be present on the DM module (first present at the end of the "Life on Ansalon" chapter) , however I can't seem to find it inside the tables or any other division.
    Am I just blind or is it really missing?
    I came here to investigate this exact same thing. Any updates on this?

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