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  1. #241
    damned's Avatar
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    Good day Magus Janus

    You are on version 3.46
    The current version is 3.59

    Resolve that first.
    If any issue persists load without the theme.
    If any issue still persists please share your db.xml and exact steps to reproduce.
    I think with your healing question - players should be using their character sheet to apply healing and to manage the death/injury status.

  2. #242
    Thank you! It was a struggle to get the book updated, it simply wouldn't update with the system. I had to remove some folders and reinstall from scratch. But now it's working properly! With your tip I was able to understand how to solve it.

    But regarding the situation with life and damage bars, I noticed that if I enter numbers other than zero in the Combat Tracker, death or injury markers disappear as they should, but if I enter zero in the damage received area, the markers don't disappear. The death roll box also doesn't appear if the damage is entered manually, only with creature damage. I don't know if it's a bug here or something in the system itself.

    One thing they could add in the future is to be able to drag and roll the attack dice directly over the monster's photo on the map or Combat Tracker, just like it works with damage, instead of making the roll directly as soon as you click.

    Again, thanks for the help!

  3. #243
    damned's Avatar
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    Hi Magus Janus

    Im glad you got the main issue resolved.

    For the other two - they are limitations in the code.
    Healing should be done by characters on their sheets using any of the healing button combinations.
    Support for Attacks and damage dropping on the tokens instead of by targeting will not change in this ruleset.

    What adventure(s) are you running?

  4. #244
    Currently The Queen of Gold, but soon I intend to master other adventures that I got, like Tales of The Demon Lord. Hoping that some more things from the system will be released in the future (like Forbidden Rules, Bred for Battle, Uncanny Arcana and Glorious Death).

  5. #245

    bad argument #1 to gsub (string expected, got nil)

    Just started playing with this ruleset last night, having a weird issue with one player's character sheet. Any time we try to roll (eg PER check) from his sheet, we see the die roll but the scripting creating the chat message bombs out with "bad argument #1 to 'gsub' (string expected, got nil)" in managerRolls.lua:17. This isn't happening with anyone else's sheet, and nothing looks different about their sheet in the db.xml (in particular, the Name field is populated as expected, not nil).

    ETA: I found the problem. If no portrait has been added to the char sheet, it throws that nil exception.
    Last edited by crleonhard; December 20th, 2024 at 15:47.

  6. #246

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