Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #1
    damned's Avatar
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    Official Shadow of the Demon Lord Bug Report Thread

    Use this thread to post any ruleset specific issues to track and get resolved. When reporting, please provide steps in reproducing the issue and any images if possible.

    As a brand new ruleset there will be some bugs/suggestions. We will continue working on this product to make it as enjoyable to use as possible.

    Added a video on basic character creation here:
    Some more videos to follow at a later date.

  2. #2
    damned's Avatar
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    Bugs Reported / Fixed

    Trying to level up to L3 without choosing an Expert Path can cause a console error.
    Level 6 fighter healing rate needs to adjust automatically. added in build 2.71
    Gear info on Paths is not showing correct data. fixed in build 2.71
    Nowhere for Spell Traditions on the character. sheet we were storing this in Notes. It has its own field in build 2.71
    CoreRPG new Dice are bigger and overlap the Boon Bane Panels fixed in build 2.73
    Added default Languages and Currencies in System Options added in build 2.73
    Fonts did not load correctly fixed in build 2.74
    Updated Tooltips in Combat Tracker updated in build 2.74

  3. #3

  4. #4
    damned's Avatar
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    Question posted on Discord:
    How do we handle it when characters wear armor that they are not strong enough for?

    From the rulebook:
    Armor and Clothing
    Armor includes any clothing designed to protect a wearer from harm and might be made from leather, mail, overlapping scales, or heavy plates. Wearing armor affects your Defense and what your character can do. See Clothing for additional information.
    • Type: Armor is clothing, light armor, medium armor, or heavy armor. You make Strength challenge rolls with 1 bane to swim while you wear medium armor. You take a -2 penalty to Speed and you make Strength challenge rolls with 2 banes to swim while you wear heavy armor.
    • Requirement: If you wear armor and do not meet or exceed its requirements listed in the table, you make all Strength and Agility rolls with 1 bane. In addition, you take a –2 penalty to Speed. The effects of not meeting the armor’s requirements are cumulative with the other effects of wearing armor.
    • Defense: Replace your Defense with the listed number while wearing clothing or armor.

    At this stage use ctrl+scroll over the small modifier box on Speed to set it at -2
    Players will need to remember to add +1 bane to strength and agility rolls

    At some stage we hope to add some support for effects and we may be able to handle the banes in a more automated fashion at that time.

  5. #5
    damned's Avatar
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    Question posted on Discord:
    Where do we record Spell Traditions?

    Apologies - this didnt make it into 2.70 but will be on the Character tab in 2.71

  6. #6
    When the goblin swings at Jose( a character) , it calculates whether the goblin hit or not.. But when Jose swings at the goblin.. shows the total, but doesn't state whether it hit or missed.Screenshot 2022-10-18 175701.jpgScreenshot 2022-10-18 200557.jpg

    I've tried targeting and double clicking the dice, I've tried dragging the dice over the icons on the battlemap. Same Result.. NPC can hit the character, but the character can't get a Hit or Miss result for the NPC.

    This is for version 2.70 of the store bought version.

    Figured it out. I needed to set the opposing / defensive stats. The wiki had the answer.
    Last edited by slayeneq; October 19th, 2022 at 03:21.

  7. #7
    damned's Avatar
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    Thanks for the update - good sleuthing!
    Weapons that you add via Gear tab should have teh correct stats in them already.
    Did this not work for you?

  8. #8
    damned's Avatar
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    Did you maybe carry this character over from the Forge ruleset?
    If so I would recommend that you recreate it as there are quite a few things that have changed over the development of the ruleset.

  9. #9
    That particular stat did not populate for me. I had to add it manually. (As per your post below, I was using the forge and the store version of SOTDL at the same time? ) I had the forge version still enabled. I've since turned it off. Maybe that will make a difference in the future.

    I bought the SOTDL version and made a test character to see how everything was populating and to see the format of the NPC's (since I'd had a question about how they were entered) while I was there I thought I'd test the combat stuff and that's when I ran into the non targeting issue.

  10. #10
    damned's Avatar
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    I think we might have to advise people to disable their Forge subscription as there could be conflicts between the two.
    Can you confirm whether new weapons being added to the character sheets are getting their stats set?

    Is it possible you have also created some library of equipment for your Forge based game?

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