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  1. #141
    Thank you.
    After my last post, I got another update, which did indeed have an unzipped version. So I had 2 versions in my extensions folder. Keeping only the newest one, everything looks good now.
    And thanks for the very useful extension.

  2. #142
    There seems to be a script error related to this extension when I click to move the party portrait window. Maybe it needs an update for the new FGU version.

  3. #143
    Zarestia I was wondering how you are doing. I think it is safe to say that everyone here really likes your extensions and they are the backbone of many a campaign.
    at this point are you developing anything new to add to the sheet or are you content with what you have and plan on just maintaining it as is updating when things break and what not.
    Just curious is all.
    have a nice day

  4. #144
    Quote Originally Posted by Arimil508 View Post
    Zarestia I was wondering how you are doing. I think it is safe to say that everyone here really likes your extensions and they are the backbone of many a campaign.
    at this point are you developing anything new to add to the sheet or are you content with what you have and plan on just maintaining it as is updating when things break and what not.
    Just curious is all.
    have a nice day
    Thanks for the question.
    Currently all my work is only in maintenance mode, as far as I can handle that. I wish I could do more and develop more.
    But some things changed in my private life and I just do not have the time (and motivation due to people leaving a long running campaign).
    I really hope it gets better in the near future

  5. #145
    Well keep on trucking then and I hope things get better.
    I have had several times where campaigns imploded due to various reasons so i know how you feel.

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