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  1. #21

    Awesome ruleset

    This a very well made ruleset and character sheet, pretty intuitive as well. The ability to make dice pools works well and being able to add and remove skills makes it tailorable to many settings.

    I do have one request should you have the time and willingness in the future. There was an old Fantasygrounds set that had a different character sheet available for every subsetting of Chronicles of darkness; which while impressive, I imagine an utter bear to code for. Would it be possible you think to add a generic Power Stat box that goes from 1-10 and a generic Fuel box somewhere on your character sheets? That would allow this sheet to be used for most any subsetting of CoD. IE you could use the Stat box to stand in for Gnosis or Azoth or Blood Potency. The Fuel box can stand in for whatever extra thing powers those abilities, like Mana or Vitae or Essence. Adding those items would keep this system neutral but make it more universal at the same time. Bonus points of you could rename them for flavor but that is small potatoes by comparison to just having them available on the sheet.

    Thank you for the hard work you have put into this!

  2. #22
    Really liking the ruleset that you've created! Only think I would add is if you created another subsection for a Power Stat and Fuel, you could more easily use this for the varied subsets of CoD, ie Mage or Vampire.

    Thank you for your considerable hard work!

  3. #23

  4. #24
    Ok, I think this is a decent enough mock up of what I was thinking.

    Summary of proposed changes: addition of a rollable Power Stat, Fuel related to that power stat, and a second box under armor to separate Ballistic/Conventional armor.

    Some Quality of Life/Customizability changes that could be made would be to have "Integrity", "Power Stat", and "Fuel" headings be fillable forms much as the various Skills you have in your sheet are already. This should allow the character sheet to be readily customizable for all CoD game settings.


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