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  1. #11
    For the other lines, what if there was a box just like you made for Merits on the sheet and on the side but maybe title it "Powers" since each line has its own name for it, but that would enable all the disciplines, gifts, contracts etc ... to be put in and opened on the sheet. I'd make the rank box clickable to be added to the dice pool like conditions are since alot of them add to the pool. I think everything else from other lines can be tracked manually.

  2. #12

  3. #13
    damned's Avatar
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    Merits edited to Merits/Powers
    You can double click the Merit value to modify the Dice Pool if appropriate.
    Added some additional Scrollbars
    Tweaked some other scrollbar settings.
    Updated frames.

  4. #14
    Thank you! This theme is absolutely gorgeous! I love the character sheet, how it has the faded Chronicles page art on the left edge. The gothic looks to the chat box. I'm blown away by it.

  5. #15
    Dear Damned.
    Sorry in advance for this to long post.

    You cannot imagine how happy I was when I stumbled upon this post. Unfortunately, my search query was a little off and I realized this is all about Chronicle of Darkness, so my happiness quickly sunk. Why? I will address that later but first let me share this before.
    When I bought Fantasy Grounds Unity (via Kickstarter) I was super excited and when it finally happened (installation) my enthusiasm grew even more.
    I did few D&D 5e campaigns and (after some time, when they repaired some bugs) this software simple amazed me how good it is!
    But I am game master, referee, storyteller of dungeon master who is not so much happy with a Dungeons and Dragons since a time of AD&D. I never was. Don’t get me wrong. From the time of TSR to Wizards of the Coast D&D got better, bigger, more beautiful and I have never run away form it since my players like it – which regularly emptied my pockets.
    But in between my roleplaying, especially gamemastering, journey I have tried and enjoyed many RPG systems and derivatives. Namely – GURPS, PARANIOA, Shadowrun, Cyberpunk 2020 and RED, Conan, Fantasy Flights Star Wars, Genesis and even some obscure ones I will not mention here.

    Nevertheless, my true love was always reserved for the gems produced by a company (at that time) called White Wolf. Storytelling and playing Vampire, Werewolf, Mage and all other WOD settings was something special to me and my group/s.
    You can imagine my sadness when company shut down but then again, my happiness sparked again when Onyx path did anniversary edition. I had religiously followed and bought all the company products.
    But let’s get back to FGU. At one point my old and new players wanted a taste of World of Darkness. So, I went to FG forum and searched for options to integrate rulesets that would accommodate this system. Disappointment followed. Broken rulesets, problem with loading and many more things frustrated me more than anything! At that point my job did not provide me with enough time to adapt, learn and produce some semblance of ruleset that would be useful for playing old WOD or anniversary edition.
    During my FGU trip I stumbled upon your MoreCore and your products and until this day I am amazed by it. You are a person that should be hired and financed by FG (if you are not already). And your help and advice on forum! Priceless.

    And here we get back to the beginning of my rant.

    Me seeing this thread put me on edge. Is this finally thing I was looking for past years!? Is this possible!? Your creation was fantastic news for me but also a sad one since this was for Chronicles of Darkness. Not a bad spin-off of old WOD but still just something my groups and I did not like. Again, nothing bad or wrong with a system but not something we were completely happy with.

    And here comes my plead, request or just a hopeful question for you.
    Is there a possibility that you could adapt this magnificent creation for Vampire, Werewolf and Mage 20 anniversary edition? I talked with two of my groups (one currently playing Vampire 20 and want to play Mage soon and other playing Mage 20 for a 5 sessions) and they are happy to use FGU for playing – we are using some other online tools that are extremely bad solutions. All of us agreed that we are willing to contribute in any way possible if you would be interested to embark on such a project – rules assistance, advice, books, or even financial help.

    I am sure there are many people who would be more than happy to see 20 anniversary edition rulesets and even contribute in some way.
    Thank you for reading this and if in you will not be able to make our whishes come true you are still hero of many WOD and Chronicles of Darkness players and storytellers just for making this ruleset.
    Last edited by moongleam; September 9th, 2022 at 15:43.

  6. #16
    damned's Avatar
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    Hi moongleam,

    I dont play this game (or its variations) so my understanding and knowledge of the game is limited.
    You can help by providing specific feedback.

    I will not by aiming to add any high level of automation but I will add features time permitting.
    I will consider also making other variations but I dont have time to learn the games in any great detail as well as code them so my preference would be to make any necessary improvements to this one and then adapt to other systems one at a time.

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Hi moongleam,

    I dont play this game (or its variations) so my understanding and knowledge of the game is limited.
    You can help by providing specific feedback.

    I will not by aiming to add any high level of automation but I will add features time permitting.
    I will consider also making other variations but I dont have time to learn the games in any great detail as well as code them so my preference would be to make any necessary improvements to this one and then adapt to other systems one at a time.
    Thanks, Damned.

    Sorry for late reply (work is killing me during this time of year).

    You are a hero for my small old WOD community. Some of the guys and girls are excited to be able to use FGU for our games.
    Automation is not an issue. All things you did with Chronicle of Darkness are more than enough for us and (I will dare to presume) other players of WOD.

    I will provide you with all and any information that you need but I think it would be best if we take this to personal messaging not to spam and annoy other good people of the FG.

    During this weekend I am sending you some core info and I will use this Chronicle of Darkness ruleset as a guide and reference since it is basically upgrade/spin-off of old WOD.

  8. #18
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    In many ways it is best to do it in a public space as it is not uncommon for there to be different interpretations of some rules etc and that gives other people an opportunity to chime in. If you want to do it privately find me on the FG Discord Server and PM me there

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    In many ways it is best to do it in a public space as it is not uncommon for there to be different interpretations of some rules etc and that gives other people an opportunity to chime in. If you want to do it privately find me on the FG Discord Server and PM me there
    Ok. Yes, I see your point and I agree. It would be great to do this in open so others can contribute.
    I will send you some materials on discord during weekend and afterwards you (or me) can make a post and go publicly with ideas. I will also start to get more into your amazing MoreCore so maybe I will be able to assist more than just presenting rules.

  10. #20

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    Font color in right hand menu makes the labels almost unreadable

    The font color of the button labels in the menu on the right hand side of the screen is very dark, almost black. This makes it very difficult to read the labels. My guess is that the problem is related to the change of default theme of CoreRPG. It would be nice if the color could be changed to white or maybe yellow so that the labels might become more readable.

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