5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1

    Non-Wizards of the Coast Adventure Publisher

    Hi all,

    Any recommendations for good adventures? Maybe a particularly good publisher. I have found WoTC adventures to be almost unplayable based on my DM style and time commitments. Looking for a better format (not book/story style), that makes it easier to run. More like the old school modules (text box, monster box, treasure box, mystery box), but not the old school modules. I don't care about level because I can scale anything to any level, just looking for some preplanned intrigue.


  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    I think this is going to depend heavily on what you want/like Perhaps it would be easier for us to provide suggestions if you let us now some adventures tat you do like the style of. Maybe some AD&D examples or such?

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  3. #3
    i reallly like kobold press for dnd 5E and i quite often convert lamentations of the flame princess modules for use in 5E

  4. #4
    I would recommend looking up AAW's Rise of the Drow. If you follow the story as written, the beginning sequence to about level 7 is relatively scripted, but turns into a large sandbox in the under dark. The opening can be as flexible as you want it to be though. I will give a fair warning though that so far IMO the FGU conversion of the module leaves quite a bit to be desired. It isn't nearly as organized/helpful as how many of the WOTC adventure modules have been converted particularly for having story entries where they should be. If that isn't an issue to you or if you plan to just be looking at the PDF for such things, then I think you would like it.

  5. #5
    Hi, yes I can add some more detail. Format-wise I like Caves of Chaos. Super easy to find what location they are in, easy to find the page the room is described on, and the flow of information is nice. Starts with Light and Noise, then italics text which is read to players, followed by what's in the room, then a small area for "special things" about the room. I don't get lost, and its basic enough that I can either keep as is, or add a little fluff if I need to. It's compact, 64 rooms described on 23 pages. One thing that I don't like about it is the map. Its a little too basic and there is no version without the room numbers on it. It needs a better map, one that I could scan up into fantasy grounds.

    Story-wise I actually liked Caves of Chaos, even with it being so simple, and I liked Baltron's Beacon, I am looking for small-medium adventures that fit into almost any world and don't need a lot of World story, or traveling of long distances, because that tends to not work and I have to then re-do too many things to make it fit. Current players are ~ 17th level, and their adventuring is self-written main story line taking place in Forgotten Realms Sword Coast area. They also run side characters of various levels, when the full group isn't able to play. Looking for some simple pre-written adventures to use during some of these sessions. Something that can be played through in 1-9 hours. We typically run ~3 hrs one day a week.

    Between Format and Story, Format (simple and consistent) is more important to me.

    Thank you for the help

  6. #6
    Ok, thanks, I'll look into that one.

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