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Thread: Runequest...

  1. #21
    hawkwind's Avatar
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    any progress on Runequest? Just got the new humblebundle for it

  2. #22
    From a chat with Madbeardman on Bluesky, Jun 4. He send an email to Chaosium about finishing up the Runequest ruleset for FGU or passing it over to someone else. Quote: "there's a lot of effort in that ruleset, it need to see the light of day.".
    It seems that the ruleset is working fine with the last FGU, some testings have to be done. Almost complete plus the "initial books" already converted.
    From what I understand the ball is now in Chaosium camp.
    Fingers crossed.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Egheal View Post
    From a chat with Madbeardman on Bluesky, Jun 4. He send an email to Chaosium about finishing up the Runequest ruleset for FGU or passing it over to someone else. Quote: "there's a lot of effort in that ruleset, it need to see the light of day.".
    It seems that the ruleset is working fine with the last FGU, some testings have to be done. Almost complete plus the "initial books" already converted.
    From what I understand the ball is now in Chaosium camp.
    Fingers crossed.
    Any news, anyone?

  4. #24
    From MadBeardMan on Bluesky today: the almost-completed ruleset is still in the hands of Chaosium. Has the project been flushed down the toilet or handed over to someone else? MadBeardMan doesn't know.

  5. #25
    AFAICT it's been a few years since any licensed conversion of any Chaosium product was released for FGU (Down Darker Trails in 2019 seems to have been the very last one, if I check the store, filter by publisher and sort by release date).

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyarly Dude View Post
    AFAICT it's been a few years since any licensed conversion of any Chaosium product was released for FGU (Down Darker Trails in 2019 seems to have been the very last one, if I check the store, filter by publisher and sort by release date).
    Not sure which is harder for me to conceptualize: that that was the last time FG did a Chaosium product or that Darker Trails was five years ago (!). I'm feeling old again. 2019... was... 5... years... ago...

    I swear 1999 was just yesterday and 1989 was just last week...

  7. #27
    Gates to Terror was released last August, so there is hope.

  8. #28
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Egheal View Post
    From MadBeardMan on Bluesky today: the almost-completed ruleset is still in the hands of Chaosium. Has the project been flushed down the toilet or handed over to someone else? MadBeardMan doesn't know.
    Chaosium dont have the skill inhouse to do a conversion. It will need a developer willing to take it on.

  9. #29
    Yes, to be more precise, I think the ruleset belongs to Smiteworks but it seems it is up to Chaosium to find a new developer. At last that's what I understand from MadBeardMan props. Mad seems to want to resume development of its ruleset, but I don't know what its relationship with Smiteworks currently is. I hope something can be decided between Chaosium, Smiteworks and MadBeardMan (or any other chosen developer). I can't imagine that a near completed ruleset could be discontinued.

  10. #30
    damned's Avatar
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    "Near completed" is a subjective term and there have been a lot of CoreRPG changes in the last year.
    And ruleset abandonment of even completed rulesets happens.
    My guess is that unless someone here (community dev) starts the ball rolling nothing will happen.

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