Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
  1. #1

    White line in reference manual

    Some of the pages in the reference manual have this white line on the right side.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  2. #2
    That looks to me as an incorrect XML definition of the frame being used in that part of the refrence manuel by the theme or ruleset you have loaded.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    OK this is fixed. It will be in next update.

  5. #5
    Also, I'm still getting the multiple ffff spelling issue as well.

    2022-05-09 21_42_05-Greenshot.png

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Uploaded new build to OEG. I went through the XML and found some issues with FF Fi and Fl when they were pasted over from the pdf.

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