1. #1

    Fantasy Companion for SWADE (Two Separate Fantasy Rulesets...)

    I almost missed the fund raiser for the new Fantasy Companion for SWADE, but noticed that there was no VVT/Fantasy grounds related stretch goal.
    Do we think this will further adversely affect the split in the Ruleset between SWADE core and Savage Pathfinder?

    I have to admit I was really disappointed by the original decision to release Savage Pathfinder as a complete new ruleset rather than modules as people were effectively paying for a lot of what they'd already paid for the original SWADE ruleset, and it could well lead to issues with two separate development streams

  2. #2
    I can’t speak in any official capacity, but the ruleset was released as a separate product to match the book it is based on, which includes a complete copy of the rules rather than being just a setting to be used with SWADE. I’m not sure whether this was done by PEG due to the contractual agreement between PEG and Paizo or just the fact that Pathfinder for Savage Worlds makes enough changes to SWADE that they felt it was easier to release a “complete” game rather than document all the changes to SWADE and force players/GMs to have to constantly reference two books to keep it all straight.

    As for the Fantasy Companion, since all FG stuff for Savage Worlds is done by volunteers, I’m not sure if anyone has raised their hand yet to adapt it. PEG has said the FC will be compatible with PF4SW, so it will just be another module you load when you create a campaign. I presume it will still be up to the GM to adjudicate any discrepancies between base rules and those bits of the FC you decide to use that arise just as it would if playing with the books at an physical table. IOW, don’t expect the devs of the FG FC to account for this and code things such that if you are using the FC with SWADE then X, but if using it with PF4SW then Y.

  3. #3
    Thanks very much for the fast and excellent response @mac40k. It's not ideal to see the core ruleset branching, after all it's not the first time the core rules have been included in a setting (e.g. Soloman Kane and Pirated of the Spanish Main) and it's very nice to be able to manage everything from one Ruleset.
    I have the original Fantasy Companion for fantasy grounds and Savage Pathfinder so guess will just have to wait and hear more when/if the new companion is converted.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Miglefin View Post
    I have to admit I was really disappointed by the original decision to release Savage Pathfinder as a complete new ruleset rather than modules as people were effectively paying for a lot of what they'd already paid for the original SWADE ruleset, and it could well lead to issues with two separate development streams
    Note that this has been done in the past by Pinnacle for both the Solomon Kane and Pirates of the Spanish Main settings, both of which included the SWEX edition of the core rules. That didn't in any way lead to parallel development streams of the SW core rules. The Pathfinder-Golarion setting is no doubt more known to Tabletop RPG fans than those 2, albeit one might argue that Solomon Kane being an early pulp that has been adapted to film, comics, board and tabletop miniature games is close in popularity. The point is, Pinnacle is experienced with how to manage this approach and I don't see Savage Pathfinder rocking the development boat.

    The current edition of the Fantasy Companion was adapted to Fantasy Grounds at a time when there were few high profile Fantasy settings available for Savage Worlds. So I'm confident some one will step forward to take on the task for the new FC.

  5. #5
    Doswelk's Avatar
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    SWPF is SWADE 1.5

    Holler has rules for Limited Free Actions and I know the Fantasy Companion has rules from SWPF in it, my guest is they will be "compatible"

    You can load SWPF modules into SWADE and SWEX/SWADE modules into SWPF you just need to use the extension.

    We were allowed to create an extension to allow cross-loading of modules but could not include it in the product.
    My players just defeated an army, had a dogfight with aliens, machine-gunned the zombies, stormed the tower, became Legendary and died heroically

    Yours are still on combat round 6

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  6. #6
    OK, now that the alpha is out can someone start working on something noted in the FC that should be part of the core character sheet and put a breakout for shields in the Parry trait? Pretty please?

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