5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #71
    It won't Target the Creatures it just a Button and I click it and nothing Happens I use it for DND 5e

  2. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by DND Nerd 1995 View Post
    It won't Target the Creatures it just a Button and I click it and nothing Happens I use it for DND 5e
    Have you adjusted the range of the action so that it will encompass all of the creatures you want to target? And since you're using 5e, the units is in feet, so you'll need to enter a range of 5 units to cover 1 square, 10 units to cover 2 squares, etc. And then after that you'll need to make sure the action is targeting the right kind of creatures. You can set it up to only target enemies, allies, or everyone.

    If you send a screenshot of the action on the character sheet, plus the image the tokens are on I can try to help more.

  3. #73

  4. #74
    This extension somehow flew under my radar until now...

    It seems great!

    One conflict I noticed... Adding "target actions" to items with Kit'N'Kaboodle looks like it works, but when you click to execute the targeting, nothing happens.

    A few suggestions for further development if you ever have the time/desire:

    I'm not sure how difficult these would be to implement.

    1. Have a checkbox for "Random" in the targeting options to be able to target a random creature/ally/enemy.

    (This would be great for Wild Magic effects like: "A random creature within 60 feet of you has the Poisoned condition for 1d4 hours.")

    2. A step further would be another field for "Number" that appears when Random is checked that would target that many random targets.

    3. Have a checkbox for "Self" to optionally include the actor in the targets.

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