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  1. #1

    PFRPG2 GM Enhancement extension

    Hello everyone,

    The PFRPG2 GM Enhancement extension brings a bunch of new functionality for the Pathfinder 2 Ruleset. I build those for my own use as a PF2 GM, but I'm happy to provide them as-is for the community for a minimum price. I have released parts of it as free standalone extensions before, but they are incompatible with this one: please remove those before using this one, in particular PFRPG2 Random Encounters. This extension is currently maintained for future ruleset updates.

    With this extension, you'll have the features below. If you have 10min, this video show 1.0 features, this one 1.1, and 1.3.

    Random Encounter Generator with preview

    You can create random encounters for the given level range, optionally providing trait or skill filters, using all monsters/NPCs available to you via modules or campaigns.

    Generate Weak and Elite monsters with a single click

    Any Monster/NPC/Hazard can be adjusted to a Weak or Elite version of it with a single click, completely transparent to your players. No more EFFECT+2/-2 workarounds.

    Encounter XP Calculator for multiple party sizes

    PF2 have an elegant and robust encounter creation rules. You can now see the threat of each of your encounters given your party size and level. Missing a player? You easily adjust the encounter back to Moderate removing a creature or adjusting it to Weak template.

    Random Item Parcel Generator

    You can easily create a single treasure random parcel to all a level worth of items for your party and manually adjust or split to distribute treasure as expected by PF2 rules. Having the item level at the treasure parcel helps you to plan accordingly. It also adds a field to indicate if the item is a consumable, making it easy to do substitutions. The button is on the top of the Parcels window (Random Treasure).

    Item Crafting Calculator

    Crafting is not PF2 best feature, but you can at least take the calculating pain out of the way with a very simple cfraft calculator you can launch from any item entry window. Just input the crafter level and proficiency, and their craft roll to check all the results from that craft attempt. You need to enable this feature on the FG options window. This will also show for players.

    Earn Income Calculator

    Wanna quickly check how much money per day of downtime you can make on a Society Game? Just check the coins icon on top of your skill list.

    Hero Points distribution

    An easy way to give hero points to the party, or to zero them out at the beginning of a session. You (or the party, with the proper permission) can also see how many hero points each character has, and you as the GM can award individual points as well. Check the party sheet and a new option to limit a max of hero points.

    NPC Builder

    Build new NPC/Monsters with a base template with all appropriate numbers for the creature level. It also includes base templates from the Gamemastery Guide. Now includes an option to create creatures without adding level, for the Proficiency Without Level optional rule. Just click on the button New on the Bestiary window.

    Rune Forge

    Create new magic items merging base armor and weapons with precious materials, fundamental and property runes. The forge will calculate the proper cost and add all rune data to a single item.

    Spellbook creation

    Use the the new button on the Spells window to create custom spellbooks with links to the original spells. The new item will have costs calculates based on the spellcasting costs. You can also use it to create a Wand or a Scroll if you supply a single spell.

    Remove Max HP on Drained effect

    If the option is toggled on Combat options, when a PC on the combat tracker gets a Drained effect, the character sheet will reduce its maximum HPs by the drained value times the character level. This, however, will override any other temporary HP setup, so only enable this if Drained is your only source of changing max hp.

    Live Current release: 1.12

    Forge Link: (600 points)

    Disclaimer: As a Fantasy Grounds extension, this tool can break your game and will modify your campaign database. Please have backups, and use with care. Future maintenance is expected but not guaranteed.

    * Fixed issue with New NPCs with no perception failing to calculate initiative.
    * Removed slash commands (added to the ruleset)

    * Fixed many UI errors due to FG4.5 changes in Layouts: Fixed Encounter window, Fixed location of Weak/Elite buttons, Fixed minor deprecation errors from Forge, Fixed item level/consumable, Fixed Hero Point (Party Sheet)

    * Fix

    * Add PF2E-Legacy support

    * Fix error when adding a new remote PC to the party sheet.

    * Fixed error on recalc (

    * Fixed Impactful Rune (

    * Fix potential error on random encounter generator for compendium entries without levels (hazzards or non-PF2E entries).

    * Fix thread calculation for non standard parties.

    * Fixed wand level calculation

    * Added scroll and Wand creation on the spellbook module.

    * Rewrote XP calculation to properly follow the rules.
    * Fix Encounter Generator to follow XP rules.
    * Fix bug when adding a NPC to an encounter with an already Level 0 monster present (

    * Minor update on hero point text.
    * Added encounter Budget as a Tooltip.

    * Added an option for a maximum ammount of Hero Points to be awarded.

    * Made craft button and income calculator available for players as well.

    * Fix temp hp mod error (

    * Add temp mod to HP with drained and option.
    * Add an option to disable the crafting button on items (
    * Adds note to console if detects old Modules
    * Fixes combination weapons on RuneForge (

    * Fixed heropoint new character bug (
    * Switched spellbook cost to Learn a Spell (

    * Added /xp to award experience points.
    * Improved /dmg command to support attack line damage entries
    * Added /atk to process a whole line attack (similar to monster entries in CT).
    Will roll attack (and damage if it have it) without a target. Defaults to melee.
    * Spellbook creator: creates spellbooks (uses spellcasting costs to determine value)
    * Moved from ChatManager.registerSlashCommand to Comm.registerSlashHandler

    * NPC Builder: Proficiency without level option
    * Added /damage and /heal chat commands
    * Fixed Party Level rounding for Encounter XP/Threat calculation and Random Loot
    * Added isConsumable flag on parcels. Does not update retroactively.

    * Magical Item Forge
    * Minor fixes in NPC Builder tool (damage type)
    * Fixed XP cost for simple hazards

    v1.2 Features
    * Additional Hero Point Options
    * Earn Income screen
    * Fix issue with Craft results for level 16 and 17
    * Better display of costs for Craft window

    v 1.1 Features
    * Hero Point Distribution Tool
    * NPC Builder Tool

    v 1.0 Features
    * Random Encounter Generator with preview
    * Generate Weak and Elite monsters with a single click
    * Encounter XP Calculator for multiple party sizes
    * Random Item Parcel Generator
    * Item Crafting Calculator
    * Adds Level to Encounter entry
    * Adds Level to Parcel entry
    Last edited by dsaraujo; July 30th, 2024 at 06:23. Reason: Version 1.12
    Daniel Salles de Araújo (@dsaraujo)
    Developer of PFRPG2 GM Enhancements - Improve your Pathfinder 2E game!
    Check out the Pathfinder Deck of Endless NPCs!

  2. #2
    The quick elite/weak generator looks useful. Consider offering a way to also quickly change levels of NPCs. When one player/PC is missing in a session then using a weak template can be too much (making it too easy), dropping a boss enemy by 1 level can be better balanced to compensate for the missing player. Same for elite vs. +1 level when an additional PC is at the table.

  3. #3
    I'm bit confused. Isn't Elite and Weak essentially a quick and dirty +1 and -1 level respectively?
    Daniel Salles de Araújo (@dsaraujo)
    Developer of PFRPG2 GM Enhancements - Improve your Pathfinder 2E game!
    Check out the Pathfinder Deck of Endless NPCs!

  4. #4
    Here are some screenshots of my new features: a pair of quick button on the Party Sheet to distribute Hero Points, and a NPC Builder that creates a new NPC entry for you based on the level and ranks of each characteristic chosen. I run a lot of custom encounters in my APs and that is why I wanted this inside FG. Take a look and give me feedback! Once I finish testing I will add to the Forge (people that bought version one will just get the updated 1.1 automatically).


    Daniel Salles de Araújo (@dsaraujo)
    Developer of PFRPG2 GM Enhancements - Improve your Pathfinder 2E game!
    Check out the Pathfinder Deck of Endless NPCs!

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by dsaraujo View Post
    I'm bit confused. Isn't Elite and Weak essentially a quick and dirty +1 and -1 level respectively?
    Sorry, I forgot to answer this. Elite and Weak are stronger than +-1 level, mostly because they change boni/mali by +-2 instead of +-1. HPs changes usually are also a bit different.

  6. #6
    You're going to like the new NPC builder!
    Daniel Salles de Araújo (@dsaraujo)
    Developer of PFRPG2 GM Enhancements - Improve your Pathfinder 2E game!
    Check out the Pathfinder Deck of Endless NPCs!

  7. #7
    Currently uploading version 1.1. Preview video:

    With this extension, you'll have the following new features:

    * Hero Points distribution

    An easy way to give hero points to the party, or to zero them out at the beginning of a session.

    * NPC Builder

    Build new NPC/Monsters with a base template with all appropriate numbers for the creature level. It also includes base templates from the Gamemastery Guide.

    As soon it is approved, I will release as 1.1 on the vault.
    Daniel Salles de Araújo (@dsaraujo)
    Developer of PFRPG2 GM Enhancements - Improve your Pathfinder 2E game!
    Check out the Pathfinder Deck of Endless NPCs!

  8. #8
    Great extension, bought it today

    Some feedback:
    Since you already did the crafting window, would it be possible to do something similar for Earn Income?

    Also with the Hero Point interface, I think it would be useful to have the current hero points displayed in the party sheet, and to maybe also have a button to only give specific characters a hero point, since I don't usually give them out to everyone at the same time.
    Last edited by Montis; April 7th, 2022 at 16:08.

  9. #9
    True, it is already there: If you set the income level in the item level craft, the daily progress it exactly the earn income for that proficiency level and result. I can just copy paste and change the labels, thanks for the feedback.

    Adding total hero points to the party sheet shouldn't be hard, but that is already a pretty heavy window. I'll try to see the impact in performance. My rationale here (sometime I give individual hero points too) is that that one player can easily manually add one, while asking the whole party is a bit disruptive. Thanks for the feedback here too!
    Daniel Salles de Araújo (@dsaraujo)
    Developer of PFRPG2 GM Enhancements - Improve your Pathfinder 2E game!
    Check out the Pathfinder Deck of Endless NPCs!

  10. #10
    Added an Earn Income Calculator and additional options for individual hero point awards as suggested by Montis.


    Earn Income.jpg

    Already available in the Forge, version 1.2.
    Daniel Salles de Araújo (@dsaraujo)
    Developer of PFRPG2 GM Enhancements - Improve your Pathfinder 2E game!
    Check out the Pathfinder Deck of Endless NPCs!

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