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  1. #21
    I did try the obvious variations. The "D" is the standard used to indicate domain spells for divine spellcasters.
    I get the same result using the linked stat block above specifically:

    [0] (1) Cultist CR 2

    [0] (2) XP 600

    [0] (3) Human cleric 3

    [0] (4) NE Medium humanoid (human)

    [0] (5) Init +6; Senses Perception +2

    [0] (6) DEFENSE

    [0] (7) AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex)

    [0] (8) hp 16 (3d8+3)

    [0] (9) Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5

    [0] (10) OFFENSE

    [0] (11) Speed 30 ft.

    [0] (12) Melee mwk short sword +5 (1d6+1/19-20)

    [0] (13) Ranged heavy crossbow +4 (1d10/19-20)

    [0] (14) Special Attacks channel negative energy 3/day (DC 11, 2d6)

    [0] (15) Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3rd; concentration +5)

    [0] (16) 5/day--bleeding touch, copycat (3 rounds)

    [0] (17) Spells Prepared (CL 3rd; concentration +5)

    [0] (18) 2nd--cat's grace, invisibilityD, undetectable alignment

    [0] (19) 1st--command, disguise selfD, poisoned egg, shield of faith

    [0] (20) 0 (at will)--bleed (DC 12), guidance, light, mending

    [0] (21) D Domain spell; Domains Death, Trickery

    [0] (22) STATISTICS

    [0] (23) Str 12, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10

    [0] (24) Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 15

    [0] (25) Feats Improved Initiative, Stealthy, Weapon Finesse

    [0] (26) Skills Acrobatics +4, Bluff +5, Escape Artist +4, Knowledge (local) +3, Knowledge (religion) +4, Sleight of Hand +4, Stealth +9

    [0] (27) Languages Common

    [0] (28) SQ aura

    [0] (29) Combat Gear acid flask (3); Other Gear +1 studded leather, heavy crossbow with 10 bolts, masterwork short sword, black mask, egg

    [0] (30) ABOUT

    [0] (31) As the most proactive worshipers, the Cult embraces its patron's role as god of murder. Many members hold conventional jobs and social positions, staying close to those they slaughter in the guise of business partners, maids, or military commanders.

    [0] Creature Name Line: Cultist CR 2

    [0] GENERAL: Cultist

    [0] GENERAL: ok doing defense

    [0] GENERAL: ok doing offense

    [0] GENERAL: ok doing attacks

    [0] GENERAL: ok doing special attacks

    [0] GENERAL: ok doing tactics

    [0] GENERAL: ok doing statistics

    [0] GENERAL: ok doing feats/skills

    [0] GENERAL: ok doing equipment

    [0] GENERAL: ok doing ecology

    [0] GENERAL: ok doing special abilities

    If I edit to remove the "D" it still fails in the same way.

    Since the error message references "parameter 1" which appears to be spellNode, I think the error may be that the variable here should be libNode. As this is my first look at the code & I'm not familiar with this language, hopefully the programmer can quickly debug it.
    The later spell parseing code looks for superscript "D" to strip out, this is not preserved when copy/pasteing into the input window, trying it myself from the pfsrd page loses the superscript formatting the code is looking for. Does FGU support superscript at all? I could live with some manual editing to clean up the names to get the code minimally working, once the first problem is sorted out.
    Last edited by XenusUk; December 13th, 2022 at 00:42. Reason: checked superscript issue

  2. #22
    After further testing:
    line 15 spell like abilities, parses to add up the 5/day to get 10/day overall, these should not add.
    line 16 these don't tie up to the Core Rules definitions. This is an issue because FGU doesn't allow you to manually add them in (unlike spells). This is because they are looked up in the spell list, for clerics these are domain powers in the special abilities list, hence the error: "[0] WARN: "(5/day) copycat (3 rounds)" cannot be found within the loaded spell libraries"
    line 17 parses correctly, so you get the basic spell level info
    deleting lines 18-20 allows the npc to create, you can manually drag the spells in from there as a workaround, which is ok at low levels but needs fixing for higher levels.

    Re-reading the superscript code looks like it will work as it just looks at the end of the spell name for the (non superscript) qualifier and removes it before looking up the name. So once the name matching code is fixed that should work without any additional editing needed.
    Last edited by XenusUk; December 13th, 2022 at 01:30. Reason: more info on spelllike

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Arimil508 View Post
    it might be "-cause fear (DC 13)D,"
    unless that wa a typo that you made while posting your error.
    it could be trying to find a spell called D and it cant find the it.
    This was an old stat block so the "D" is in the wrong place, I retested with a pfsrd valid stat block later.

  4. #24
    Anyone know if there is something like this for Ad&D 2E? Just doing some module imports and am looking to potentially save me a bunch of grief ;-)

  5. #25
    See here for a potential alternative:

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Arimil508 View Post
    I found out your problem.
    Line 308 has something to do with Energy Resistance.
    meaning it is breaking with Channel Resistance. it is treating it as Energy resistance so it is looking for both an amount and a type.
    removing it from the creatures stat block and adding it back later
    Thank you very much. I will give this a try again when I get back to working on the module.

  7. #27
    Hi all,
    I haven't worked on the extension in quite a while. Mainly because I had a Fantasy Grounds break and not playing on it equals no motivation on working on the extension for me. I'm now playing another round and have started fixing some bugs that have been reported to me so far.

    Release v1.10.0 fixes two bugs:
    1. Some spell names were parsed incorrectly (for example "Invisibility, Greater" or "Blistering Invective")
    2. The experimental RESIST effects had a bug when a Resistance did not come with a modifier; The resulting effects are still not great but at least they are not breaking the character creation any more

    New Release is now live.

    Please report bugs at

    I may not respond right away but having bugs directly in GitHub helps me stay organized when I eventually get back to the extension - or alternatively someone else who forks it.

  8. #28
    Just to confirm that the new version 1.10 now parses spells correctly. The test stat block above now works.
    The unaddressed issue with spell-like abilities being checked only against spells rather than special abilities remains, the details are parsed but not linked to the special ability. The manual workaround is to cut/paste the description.

  9. #29
    Downloaded this extension from the forge. However, it is not showing up in the extensions to load on the FG launch menu. I confirmed it is in my windows ext folder. What am I missing?

  10. #30
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