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  1. #11

    Is an extension that makes aesthetic changes, whose changes are:

    * Chat resizing
    * Greater spacing in player portraits, allowing for longer names
    * Nameplate, dice color indicator and other symbols away from the portrait.
    * Images or maps in panel mode are docked on the right side of the chat and limited to the left edge of the side tab.
    * Modifier Collector and Dice Tower are stuck in chat.
    * Kept only the 6-sided die (GURPS Die) and changed its position to be next to the collector and dice tower.

    Note: I'm a nosy person with no programming skills, but if I did I would anchor the data to the top of the inner chat and also turn Combat Tracker into a "Window" and anchor it to the bottom of the chat. chat.
    Last edited by YAKO SOMEDAKY; February 28th, 2022 at 11:24. Reason: Topic Inclusion

  2. #12
    That's great, thanks! What about the other ones?

    May I suggest that you maintain a thread similar to Ronnke's sticky one where you keep updated links and descriptions on the first post for all of your extensions? I think it will make it easier for people to find them and understand how to use them. For example, I'm trying right now the XP Award one, which I didn't know about until an hour ago, but I'm still playing around to understand some things about it, e.g. if other players can see the non-awarded rewards or not.

  3. #13

    This extension allows a soundtrack or sound effect to be played, via a player, syrinscape or bot (It is an "adaptation" of Celestian's Audio Overseer extension) to work well within the GURPS ruleset.
    More operating information can be found here.

  4. #14
    Nexos my idea is to keep in the Forge and keep the links in my signature.

  5. #15

    This extension is the one created by Gigermann, but with minor aesthetic changes in some fields and "removal" of the fonts.

  6. #16

    This extension allows "shops" to be created, allowing players to purchase items and spend their hard-earned money.
    Note: It helps, but it doesn't work ideally as players can buy beyond their limit (there is nothing to stop this) and stores only sell, but the interest would be that they act as a buy and sell trade.
    Note: With the changes in currencies I believe this extension will lose its function or can be improved.

  7. #17

    This extension allows experience to be distributed to characters and the experience field is "locked" (only GMs can edit).
    To distribute XP, Quests were changed and a new tab was added to the Party Sheet to "distribute" XP to characters.
    Note: I need to make some corrections in the calculation automation because the idea was for the GM to define the total points and as the players create the characters the point amount decreases until it reaches "zero" and when the experience is distributed it stays on points to spend.

  8. #18
    I'm thinking of merging some extensions into the GURPS - ADJUSTMENTS extension.
    I'm thinking of merging the Audio, Shops and XP Award extension, I know the extension will be big but it will decrease the number of extensions loaded.

  9. #19
    Ready I merged and I'm going to create an item in the Forge called GURPS - ALL-IN-ONE and I've already triggered the inventory and currency adjustments which is currently in beta!

  10. #20
    Just keep the option of using only single extensions. For example, I am using the XP Award but not the rest, I wouldn't want to download the giga-extension only for that :P

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