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  1. #61
    Sorry for being such a newb, but I'm just getting into running Delta Green on Fantasy Grounds with this extension. Has anyone done a video on how to setup a campaign using the extension?

    Specific questions I have are, does the weapons include lethality in the extension?
    When I started a Delta Green Campaign with CoC 6E and the DG Extension, it seems like all of the weapons were still set up for Call of Cthulhu.

    There are no professions set up in the extension, so you'd just have to type everything in, right? I noticed some skills like HUMINT and SIGINT aren't in the skills list. Just add those on each character sheet right?

    Thanks in advance for any response.

  2. #62
    Question how does one change out the skill a weapon uses when i try to type in the skill i get this popup and i cant drag the skill overScreenshot 2024-12-28 131855.png

  3. #63
    That should be fixed. I had tapped into the autocomplete for skills that the NPC uses, but something changed that allowed me to use this.
    Instead, its just a simple type in to updated the weapons names.

    Also, I updated two default skill values because they were wrong.
    Dodge base was running off a DEX calculation, as used in CoC6e. It should have been base 30. This may not reflect in older characters (mine were calculating as if the base was 20 for some reason), but new characters have the correct base.

    Heavy Machinery was listed in the system as having a BASE of 20, but the Agen'ts Handbook says its supposed to be a 10. It is corrected to a 10.

    The best way I can think of to fix the DODGE to the correct BASE, is to edit the db.xml in your campaign folder. You can search for "Dodge", and under every instance where the "Dodge" skill (label) appears, edit the <base type="number"> to be 30 instead of 20.

    Or, you can just give the appropriate number of points to bring the PC to the correct value.

  4. #64
    Just noticed that on items the expense is blanked out when you lock the item.

    Also the gear and Armor Sections of the Items section don't allow you to create armor or gear items.
    Last edited by Elquis; December 31st, 2024 at 20:45.

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