Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by sedgetone View Post
    Would you consider getting this into Forge?
    Going to bump this request. This extension would be a hit on the Forge and get a lot more users.

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Elquis View Post
    Is there a way to edit the un-editable stats such as max Hp, max sanity and max willpower?
    Not really, these are calculated attributes. If I make them editable, you lose the auto-calc. However, an option to create bonuses for each of those three stats could be programmed. This would allow you to adjust the stats, while also allowing them to be auto-calculated.

    I'm curious as to where this is coming from. I thought those stats were pretty fixed in their calculations. Is there something outside the core calculations that is giving bonuses (certain hypergeometry rituals or artifacts) to the calculated stats but not the base stats that I missed?

  3. #43
    I created an artifact that gives more HP in exchange for sanity. Also max sanity isnt actually max as it doesn't reflect how high you can raise your sanity as you cant raise it past its starting value. Thanks if it cant be done ill just do it manually threw notes on character sheet.

  4. #44
    I have made a some major repairs in the background. Turns out, I was using some deprecated stuff - and fooling with weapons threw up some errors. This should all be fixed.
    I have also adjusted rituals, to show information that is present in the handlers guide (Ritual Type: Simple, Complex, Elaborate), as well as "Study Time" and "Activation". Per Elquis request, I have thrown in a mod window to adjust the Max Scores. It is the spyglass icon next to the "MINI" tab in the HP, WP, SP window.

    What I'm working on. A new inventory system for Delta Green. One that is similar to how 3.5 and 5e handle their inventory, where you can equip and unequip to change AC and combat actions. This will also fix tomes and artifacts, treating them as items - and allowing the items to be adjusted for more information. Unfortunately, this is NOT compatible with how the Call of Cthulhu 6e ruleset handles things, so it -will break things (ie, you will have to recreate these items to use them).
    The plan is to make is to currently make this a seperate extension, so that the main part can continue to be updated and people who don't want to change can continue to use their existing inventories. Those that are interested can add the extension and build out their new equipment.

  5. #45
    When you have the new one ready, can you release it via Forge please? Really appreciate you putting in the effort on this one.

  6. #46
    I have gotten a crafter's account on the forge, and I have submitted the most recent build. Am waiting for approval.

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Mach5RR View Post
    I have made a some major repairs in the background. Turns out, I was using some deprecated stuff - and fooling with weapons threw up some errors. This should all be fixed.
    I have also adjusted rituals, to show information that is present in the handlers guide (Ritual Type: Simple, Complex, Elaborate), as well as "Study Time" and "Activation". Per Elquis request, I have thrown in a mod window to adjust the Max Scores. It is the spyglass icon next to the "MINI" tab in the HP, WP, SP window.

    What I'm working on. A new inventory system for Delta Green. One that is similar to how 3.5 and 5e handle their inventory, where you can equip and unequip to change AC and combat actions. This will also fix tomes and artifacts, treating them as items - and allowing the items to be adjusted for more information. Unfortunately, this is NOT compatible with how the Call of Cthulhu 6e ruleset handles things, so it -will break things (ie, you will have to recreate these items to use them).
    The plan is to make is to currently make this a seperate extension, so that the main part can continue to be updated and people who don't want to change can continue to use their existing inventories. Those that are interested can add the extension and build out their new equipment.
    Awesome thats perfect thank you

  8. #48
    So what rule set do I need to purchase for this extension to work? CoC 7e??

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by Glorwin View Post
    So what rule set do I need to purchase for this extension to work? CoC 7e??
    No, it uses CoC 6th edition

  10. #50
    Thanks for the clarification!

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