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  1. #1

    Ruleset Wizard - Deleting Vertical Tabs

    Just want to say first off I love this extension. It makes it manageable for a derp like me to create a ruleset from scratch.

    I have most of the systems fields set up and good to go.

    However, I was wondering if there was an easy way to get rid of the default vertical tabs as they are cumbersome and not needed since I am using horizontal tabs.
    Developer and FGU Ultimate User

  2. #2
    damned's Avatar
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    On charsheet add a custom control off the edge of the page. call it "tabs" and merge="delete". Set it to invisible="true". That should hopefully nuke it.
    What are you building?

  3. #3
    Oh hey Damned! I'm actually following your video series to learn to use the program. It's been very insightful, and the tool is fun to mess around with.

    I'm working on personal system. It's not very complicated, but it helps serve the purpose of helping me get my feet wet. I dream of one day getting a good Burning Wheel ruleset made for FG.

    Ruleset Wizard Pic: FG1.png
    Fantasy Grounds Window: FG2.png

    Did I fill out the custom control parameters wrong?
    Last edited by Seran; January 9th, 2022 at 02:42.
    Developer and FGU Ultimate User

  4. #4

  5. #5
    I've been messing around with it, but I seem to be making some critical errors. Is there a ruleset that is just main with 5 blank tabs? The default tabs are a hindrance and are the only thing impeding my progress. I'm pretty "code stupid" and don't understand the difference between window class and subwindow.
    Developer and FGU Ultimate User

  6. #6
    damned's Avatar
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    Hi Seran,

    Everything is built on top of CoreRPG.
    Load up a new Campaign in FGU and select CoreRPG as the ruleset.
    You will see all the "default" stuff.
    It can all be stripped away but most of it is really useful stuff.
    The character sheet is the one you will make the most changes to - and you very likely will remove one or more tabs.

    Have you watched any of the video series I have done on building a ruleset.
    I think there are 4 series there that show the whole process.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Seran View Post
    I've been messing around with it, but I seem to be making some critical errors. Is there a ruleset that is just main with 5 blank tabs? The default tabs are a hindrance and are the only thing impeding my progress. I'm pretty "code stupid" and don't understand the difference between window class and subwindow.
    you can open the Charsheet template project in the RSW install directory (make a copy first). It contains the whole structure of the core character sheet. With it you can test and it will help you to better understand how it is built.

    You can also take a look at the Ruleset Wizard Demo project, which contains an alternative implementation of the character sheet.
    Ruleset Wizard
    The Ruleset Development Environment
    Ruleset Wizard Tutorials
    Damned's Ruleset Wizard Tutorials

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    On charsheet add a custom control off the edge of the page. call it "tabs" and merge="delete". Set it to invisible="true". That should hopefully nuke it.
    What are you building?
    I have a similar question. I want to delete all vertical tabs. My system is very simple and a single page is enough. I am unable to remove the vertical tabs. Could you help me by being more descriptive?

  9. #9

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    In its simplest form create a new window "charsheet" and do not merge.
    Add all the elements you want to this one window.

    I wasn't able to. See what I have:

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