5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #51
    I had a lot of fun with this ruleset back in the day as well. I would love to play it again, even if it meant buying it from the store here after someone put it together!
    Proud Ultimate License Holder
    Also have bought a lot of other 5E and other , incl. Savage Worlds, Mutants & Masterminds, and Pathfinder 2e
    Central Time Zone (living in the USA, although born on the eastern shores of Canada)
    Have Played All D&D Editions except for 3/3.5 (am familiar with those rules, tho)

  2. #52
    Thank you for the attempt and the humor. I do believe i will use Skype (as needed if my son wants to play from Germany), my knowledge of the system, and complete rules that I have down stairs to introduce my new players to this system. They will love it. Time to remind them that the marvel universe is not just in flashy movies.

  3. #53
    Is there a place to download this? Maybe even without the images and trademarked content?

  4. #54

  5. #55
    i3ullseye's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Peachtree City GA
    Considering all things just rolled on one single table/matrix..... this system should be pretty simple to do. Even without a dedicated rule set, you might be able to build a table for each ranking to roll on.

    As to my post and the discussion long ago on here, there is a version called FASERIP floating around. Just like a lot of the OSR titles, game systems cannot be copyrighted, so the mechanics of a system can be used in other properties apparently. The artistic representation of rules mechanics CAN be copyrighted however. There are like 3 clones of this system floating around. Some change colors and keep names, some changes names and keep colors. But all of them should be pretty easy to adopt in FG.

    ~ You're pretty good, but me? I'm magic!

    Ultimate License holder

  6. #56
    Yup, created a theme, imported the Universal chart and created some character sheets using CORE. No ruleset is really needed for MSH.

    Avengers screenshot2.PNG
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Meliath1742; April 30th, 2020 at 16:11.
    Cross-examining Lawyer: Mister Cogburn, in your four years as US Marshal, how many men have you shot?
    Rooster Cogburn: Shot? Or killed?
    Cross-examining Lawyer: Let us restrict it to killed so we may have a manageable figure!

  7. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by Meliath1742 View Post
    Yup, created a theme, imported the Universal chart and created some character sheets using CORE. No ruleset is really needed for MSH.

    Avengers screenshot2.PNG
    hello, can you provide us with this material?

  8. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by heliojunior2020 View Post
    hello, can you provide us with this material?
    I would also love to see this.

  9. #59
    Is there an up to date version of this anywhere

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