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  1. #1

    Grid-Based Inventory Extension idea/commission

    Hey so I've been kicking around an idea for awhile and with Fantasy grounds being on Unity I was curious if this would be at all possible.
    I've been wanting a system where you have a visual grid-based inventory screen akin to Diablo 2, but with added things such as the ability to have multiple bags that create different size grids and the like. I'd want this to be as user friendly and customizable as possible, pretty much just upload an image, set the grid size/stack amount/Weight and then allow for players to place these items when given to them in their inventory to rotate and fit in anyway they can.

    If you want a visual example of what I'm thinking look up the Unturned Inventory system and thats what I'm thinking.

    Is there anywhere I could go to get a plugin like this made and is it even possible?

    Edit: Well since I've gotten some confirmation I'm gonna take the advice of LordEntrails (Amazing name btw) I'm gonna edit this post a bit so my vision is a bit clearer hopefully.


    So this is a little snip from the example I listed above from Unturned. As you can see on the right area there is a list of different pockets from the different items worn, each item creating its own inventory grid based on the item worn. Something like this I believe would be really cool to use in D&D space because it could make inventory management less of just doing random math and more interactive.

    It might be even more interesting to fully implement a character sheet based around it, so have all the slots as listed on that image. Health, currently equipped items, etc. However this would limit its ability to be used in other systems I feel so perhaps not unless its being built into a module for CoreRPG or something.

    Basic functions of this would have to be
    1). The ability to define number of bag equipment slots (How many bags the character can currently equip)
    2). Define how big each bags grid is
    3). Define Stackable items and how much an item can stack
    4). import images to then be defined as items (Weight, size on grid, stack limit)
    5). Perhaps allowing clothing to add additional space for the inventory.
    6). A visual of a character (similar to the image above) used to show what slots can be used (Belt, shirt, back, pants, etc)

    In future I plan on learning how to code and make my own CoreRPG module using a function like this with some extra things on top to make a kinda apoc survival style game that I feel would be fun. I haven't even really gotten started on that front yet though so it might be awhile lol. If anyone has any tips on where I could learn XML and Lua programing or whatever else I might need to properly make a custom game with CoreRPG please do let me know.

    Edit: So I've been working hard and just brute forcing knowledge into my brain so I can make this system and so far I've gotten one thing started I would call it. I've been working for about two days figuring out formatting, definitions, etc and once I got a break through I started working. This is what I got so far:


    Very much a work in progress but I'm proud of it because this is just me learning what I've always wanted to!
    Anything in {} is gonna be buttons or some kind of dynamic bar based on a number or something that will gather values from other parts of the sheet. I plan to automate as much of this as I can (really eyeing the needs section, got an idea for that. Same with weapon condition). To make it easy for players to use and for DMs to be able to manage things without worrying to much.

    Anyway thanks for reading and give me feed back on anything you see or if I should open my own little development thread on it!
    Last edited by mrdoom4341; November 30th, 2021 at 06:01.

  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Yes, such is possible, depending upon some of the details. In FGU it would be done with an extension with coding in XML and LUA. This is probably the best place, or one of the Discord servers, to find a community developer who might be interested. You may wish to lay out some image examles or other details to help inspire a potential developer.

    Hope you find someone to help you out

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  3. #3
    I've long wanted to see something like this. But I feel like it would be a lot of work to put together.

  4. #4
    Surely nice to have, but it may already help if one can have custom pins, in this case depicting the item type. I usually create "item sheets" as described here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...160-Item-sheet (for FGC, but similarly or maybe even better in FGU)

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