5E Character Create Playlist
  1. #1

    CombatManager.getTokenFromCT unexpectedly returning nil

    As part of the mook support I'm writing for the 13th Age ruleset, I thought it would be cool to be able to double click the mook mob NPC in the combat tracker to reset the image viewpoint to contain all the mooks, and to highlight them. Here is the overridden onDoubleClick function:

    function onDoubleClick(x, y)
        local bIsMookMob = (DB.getValue(window.getDatabaseNode(), "ismookmob", 0) ~= 0);
        if not bIsMookMob then
            return super.onDoubleClick(x, y);
        local sMookMobPath = window.getDatabaseNode().getPath();
        GlobalDebug.debugFormatted("Starting mook mob double click handling for %s", sMookMobPath);
        local aTokenContainers = {};
        for k,nodeCTMook in pairs(CombatManager.getCombatantNodes()) do
            local sNodeMookMobPath = DB.getValue(nodeCTMook, "mookmob", "");
            GlobalDebug.debugFormatted("sNodeMookMobPath for %s = %s", nodeCTMook.getPath(), sNodeMookMobPath or "nil");
            if sMookMobPath == sNodeMookMobPath then
                GlobalDebug.debugFormatted("found a match: node=%s refid=%s", DB.getValue(nodeCTMook, "tokenrefnode", ""), DB.getValue(nodeCTMook, "tokenrefid", ""));
                local tokeninstance = CombatManager.getTokenFromCT(nodeCTMook);
                if tokenInstance then
                    GlobalDebug.debugFormatted("Found mook with tokenInstance: id=%d", tokenInstance.getId());
                    local imageControl = ImageManager.getImageControl(tokenInstance, true);
                    if imageControl then
                        local sImageNodePath = imageControl.getDatabaseNode().getPath();
                        if not aTokenContainers[sImageNodePath] then
                            local width, height = imageControl.getImageSize();
                            aTokenContainers[sImageNodePath] = { image = sImageNodePath, xMin = width + 1, xMax = -1, yMin = height + 1, yMax = -1 };
                        local tokenX, tokenY = tokenInstance.getPosition();
                        aTokenContainers[sImageNodePath].xMin = math.min(aTokenContainers[sImageNodePath].xMin, tokenX);
                        aTokenContainers[sImageNodePath].xMax = math.max(aTokenContainers[sImageNodePath].xMax, tokenX);
                        aTokenContainers[sImageNodePath].yMin = math.min(aTokenContainers[sImageNodePath].yMin, tokenY);
                        aTokenContainers[sImageNodePath].yMax = math.max(aTokenContainers[sImageNodePath].yMax, tokenY);
                        if tokeninstance.isActivable() then
                            -- Set this mook active
                            tokeninstance.setActive(not tokeninstance.isActive());
        -- Set the image view to contain all mooks.
        for _,v in pairs(aTokenContainers) do
            v.image.setViewpointCenter((v.xMin + v.xMax)/2, (v.yMin + v.yMax)/2);
    And here is the output of the debugging statements in the above function when I try to run it:

    doubleclick output.png

    You can see that it successfully finds the CT node, which has valid tokenrefnode and tokenrefid data. But the next call to CombatManager.getTokenFromCT returns nil and I'm not sure why. Any ideas?

    db.xml: db.xml
    Last edited by darrenan; September 27th, 2021 at 18:29.

  2. #2
    This is ultimately the call made by that CombatManager.getTokenFromCT function. Maybe output the results of each of the pieces?

    What do you get on this output?
    Debug.chat(Token.getToken(DB.getValue(nodeCT, "tokenrefnode", ""), DB.getValue(nodeCT, "tokenrefid", "")))

    If getting nil, then check in the database for image.id-00002-image in Cobblestone City.xml within moduledb of campaign after saving. Do you see that as a token in the list?


  3. #3
    The highlighted line in the code snippet is outputing the values you're asking about to the chat window, and the output of that line is shown in the subsequent screenshot. All the values appear to be valid. I also attached db.xml for reference.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <root version="4.1" dataversion="20210708">
    			<image type="image">
    						<bitmap>CobblestoneCity-CrossStreets-100ppi[17x22].jpg@Cobblestone City</bitmap>
    							<name>Cave Orc 1</name>
    Last edited by darrenan; September 28th, 2021 at 18:24.

  4. #4
    I'd need an exact set of files as well as an example campaign with steps to recreate to look any closer. I'm assuming that Token.getToken is returning nil; which most likely means that something isn't mapped correctly or there is an order of operations scenario (i.e. token created after check, etc.)


  5. #5
    In my experience you cannot index past the <image type="image"> object. It is blocked on purpose if I understand correctly.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    I'd need an exact set of files as well as an example campaign with steps to recreate to look any closer. I'm assuming that Token.getToken is returning nil; which most likely means that something isn't mapped correctly or there is an order of operations scenario (i.e. token created after check, etc.)

    Ok, I have sent you a dropbox link containing the files in question, let me know via email or pm if there's anything else you need.

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