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  1. #51
    Fixed/added lights to the free starport preview map. Just the big 25px map. it was too dark and needed more lights. Remember if you update and you've made changes/los/light/assets to the map I updated you wont see it. You need to make a copy of the map you've made changes to and select "revert changes" when right clicking over the module in the module window. Then you'll have the fresh updated map and you can go to the images window and see your saved map for that campaign.

  2. #52
    free top-down 1/4 scale (25px) starship assets added to the Vehicle 1 forge item. I took the main level (Ground touching level) of most of my free decklans and shrunk them to 25px PNG's so you can drop them in battlemaps. i already noticed the shipsboats consoles have an issue. Will fix that in a later update. most are just the deckplan view but I did add an outside view scout, shipsboat and another. Not my best work but better than nothing I suppose. Will add to them as I go.

  3. #53
    Do you mind if I ask what software you are using for your maps?

  4. #54

    For my starship deckplans:
    arkenforge: for map creation and layout. I also use some of their sci-fi addons for assets.
    hexagon (any modeller would work): I 3d modeled most of the assets I used and imported them into arkenforge.
    bryce 7.1: imported 3d asset models into bryce and rendered from the top-down.
    gimp: for image touch-up, textures, saving asset png's with alpha channel, adding text, sizing and increased jpg compression.

    For the starport maps I'm also using blender for modelling and rendering. I'm also starting to mix in more Arkenforge sci-fi assets

  5. #55
    I am using CC3+ cosmographer, and though they do not turn out as nice as yours they are functional. You are far deeper into teh graphic design then I am for 3D modelling I use 3D studio max, and I do draw some floorplans in AutoCAD before importing them into CC3+.

    You do a very nice job, Kudo's.

  6. #56
    Can anyone confirm that the "CRW Vehicles" module has a "Ships" folder in its assets with some smaller top-down views of shiips? I pushed an update out some time ago with that addition and just want to confirm that it made it. My GM is having issues locating it even after reverting changes.


  7. #57
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Colorado, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Pharoid View Post
    Can anyone confirm that the "CRW Vehicles" module has a "Ships" folder in its assets with some smaller top-down views of shiips? I pushed an update out some time ago with that addition and just want to confirm that it made it. My GM is having issues locating it even after reverting changes.


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  8. #58
    Starport Supplemental is now on the forge. Includes the Government district and a buncha 25px starpoirt maps. Industrial, shipyard, warehouse, starport ground entrance/exits. 19 25px maps and 1 2 storry warehouse at 100px.

    Also just submitted the starport megacorp building. So it should be available soon. locaed in the corporate district (or anywhere you want). 8 floors.

  9. #59
    Starting some top-down tokens because I want to eventually make an adventure. tokens will probably be free and require MGT2. depends on if I include cat and dog people I suppose. got some guards and starting maintenance guys. .token examples.jpg

  10. #60

    Starport tokens

    First release of starport tokens is on the forge. :-) My first attempt at robots and human top-down tokens.

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