Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #11
    leozelig's Avatar
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    Submitted an update today...

    MCC RPG v12-20-2021 (release 3)
    [Fixed] Actions not populating for mutation ‘pyrokinesis’ when dropped to Actions tab on char sheet.
    [Fixed] Script error when dragging an attack roll from chat window to combat tracker or token target.
    [Fixed] NPCs dropped to combat tracker do not roll d16 initiative die when option selected on NPC record.
    [Fixed] Combat tracker effect durations decreasing by 2 each round.
    [Fixed] ‘Armor Class:’ label truncated in Combat Calc dialog box linked on Main tab of char sheet. Label reverted to ‘Armor:’.
    [Fixed] Wrong power table result displays when mutation or program check roll is not a natural 1 (ie, fumble) but total is less than or equal to 1 due to modifiers.
    [Fixed] Slash command /funnel not adding weapons to Actions tab.
    [Fixed] Slash command /funnel not adjusting AC for armor items.
    [Fixed] Script error for birth sign ‘The Backup Disk’ when using slash command /funnel.
    [Updated] Missing table error message now includes table name.
    [Updated] Duration added to onHover display for mini action buttons.
    [Updated] Improved parsing of NPC special properties for resistance, vulnerability, and immunity effects when dropped to combat tracker.
    [Updated] Items with type (or subtype) equal to ‘artifact’ are unidentified when dropped from data library to Inventory tab on char sheet.
    [Added] Two-weapon fighting and backstab options added to Weapons section of Actions tab.
    [Added] Modifier button created for d16 initiative die (when two-handed weapon equipped).
    [Added] Actions parsing of results table for custom powers.
    [Added] Functionality for two-weapon fighting and backstab according to the DCC core rules.

    Nothing crazy, mostly just cleaning things up and making sure the slash command /funnel is doing everything it can. The ruleset does have some DCC features like the d16 initiative die for two-handed weapons, two-weapon fighting rules, and backstab functionality even though these are not technically in the MCC core rules. I assume these are universal game mechanics in the DCC/MCC multiverse.

  2. #12
    leozelig's Avatar
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    I’m going to update the sidebar soon with some more MCC-appropriate icons. The mutations and programs need to be moved to the player category also. Look for that in the next couple weeks.

  3. #13

    When I first looked for MCC on Fantasy Grounds, it was not on the Fantasy Grounds store.. but it was on the Goodman-Games store. So I purchased it there, not knowing any better. How do I activate it? I have a product code but I don't see anywhere to add that to my FGC or FGU?


  4. #14
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Go to the main store on this site and then use the menu for Store > Activate a product key

  5. #15

  6. #16
    leozelig's Avatar
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    Hi Locomoto. Thank you for reporting your issue with the store button. I will look into it and post an update soon.

  7. #17
    leozelig's Avatar
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    The store button does not link to anything - I will work on fixing that for the next update. In the meantime, you'll need to open a web browser and visit the store page the traditional way:

  8. #18
    Attachment 52119 Hey I got this error with /funnel
    Attached Images Attached Images

  9. #19
    leozelig's Avatar
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    Thank you rathen45. I submitted a fix just now.

  10. #20

    Crit table not found

    Quote Originally Posted by leozelig View Post
    Greetings seekers!

    Now that the MCC ruleset has been released, it needs an official home on the forums. Post any bugs, feedback, suggestions, or questions here!

    Hopefully someone can help

    When I run a combat all seems to be fine except when I score a critical hit with a creature using the Robots and Artificial life forms table?

    The message i get is the table can not be found or needs activation ?

    Is there anything I can try to resolve this



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