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  1. #291
    damned's Avatar
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    All your examples require specializations.
    And yes - if you typo it you get the wrong starting skill.

    You are mot meant to get 1% for every Specialist skill. You only get the skills that you choose.

  2. #292

  3. #293

    Skills having specializations not showing base values

    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    All your examples require specializations.
    And yes - if you typo it you get the wrong starting skill.

    You are mot meant to get 1% for every Specialist skill. You only get the skills that you choose.
    I don't think it is correct that you are not supposed to get the base numbers for specialist skills. You start with the base skills, including specializations, and then can use points to raise individual specializations.

    Art/craft. The base is 5% for all specializations.
    Fighting. The base varies based on weapon (specialization). The base scores are Axe 15%, Brawl 25%, Chainsaw 10%, Flail 10%, Garrote 15%, Spear 20%, Sword 20%, Whip 5%.
    Firearms. The base varies based on weapon (specialization). The base scores are Bow 15%, Handgun 20%, Heavy Weapons 10%, Flamethrower 10%, Machine Gun 10%, Rifle/Shotgun 25%, Submachine Gun 15%.
    Language – other. 1% is base for any language.
    Pilot - 1% is base for both specializations (Aircraft and Boat).
    Science -1% base for all specializations.
    Survival - 10% base for all specializations.

    Investigators are supposed to get all the base numbers, then players can then invest points to raise specific specializations.

    Perhaps there was a decision not to include all of them on the skills tab for real estate reasons. But why put 1% Operate Heavy Machinery, but not include something more likely, like picking up an axe and attacking with the base skill of 15%?

    Not having these on the character sheet creates the impression that they are zero unless investing points in them. People thinking they have 0% in firearms specialization and fighting specializations could be very impactful. This can be resolved by manually adding the missing items to skills tab, but it would save time if FG handled.

    Thanks for taking the time to understand my concerns.

    The way I may solve this (pending any change to FG) is to create separate skill records for each specializations (for example Fighting: Axe) and set their base values per the rules. That way, at least the players can simply drag the missing skills to their sheet, rather than have to manually type the specialization and risk typos. Or, just tell players to open the detail, tell me the base score, and roll percentile dice. Just need to make sure they are aware this is how it works.
    Last edited by elwhynn; December 10th, 2024 at 00:02.

  4. #294
    damned's Avatar
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    We disagree on the interpretation and how the game is actually played - thats OK.
    Just click the little blue icons in your skills list to add any additional entries that you want.

  5. #295
    Please take a look at the Keeper Guide, Optional Rules - Specializations: Transferable Skill Benefit. Of course, the Keeper may decide how their table is played, but this is a good example showing the rules as written align with what I shared in our discussion.

    "Matthew spends 25 skill points to raise his Fighting (Brawl) skill to 50%. Any other Fighting specializations will gain a 10% point bonus to their base values. Fighting (Sword) now starts at 30% instead of 20%. He then spends 5 skill points to raise his Fighting (Sword) skill to 35%. In play, Matthew’s investigator picks up an axe. Matthew did not put any skill points in the axe specialization, but since he has one Fighting specialization of 50%, his base chance with an axe is elevated by 10 percentage points to 25%."

    This shows pretty clearly that an Axe starts at 10%, regardless of whether you put any specialization into it. Assigning points raises the specialization, but this example supports that all investigators start out with the base points for these specializations. You don't need to invest anything to get the base specialization.

    My concern was with how the FG implementation can lead to a different assumption than what the book outlines, but our discussion helped me understand the rules better and I appreciate it.

  6. #296
    Looks like the mini panel on the character sheet main tab is broken. Works on the inventory tab though.

  7. #297
    Just pushed an update that fixes the main tab mini weapon sheet. Please run a new Check for Updates.


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