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  1. #61
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nephranka View Post
    MNM might help out if you are able to talk dev to dev. Not to put any more work on you but I have found devs are more likely to work with other devs than just us users
    Just a thought.
    Also your screenshot looks quite different to the Bushviper one?
    Bushviper is also running a theme on his screenshot?

  2. #62
    Yeah. No theme for me but no lock as well. MNM tweaks does move a lot around on the sheet, so I am not surprised it is an issue. MNM is usually pretty good at helping other devs to fix compatibility issues. I will pop over to his discord to let him know what is going on.

  3. #63
    First off, make sure you are using the MNM tweaks extension from the forge. I made some big updates after the recent FGU updates to fix compatibility. Since I haven't heard about this before, I suspect it probably is addressed with that, but i could be wrong.
    If that's not it, I am guessing there might be issues with relative positioning and the like that may be causing the compatibility issues. Because of the kinds of changes I was making, I had to do some extensive adjustments to the xml. I have a backlog and can try to take a look at it in near future. I will also send a copy of the extension over to damned to see if there might be an easy fix he can find.
    Last edited by Mad Nomad; August 11th, 2022 at 01:15.

  4. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by Mad Nomad View Post
    First off, make sure you are using the MNM tweaks extension from the forge. I made some big updates after the recent FGU updates to fix compatibility. Since I haven't heard about this before, I suspect it probably is addressed with that, but i could be wrong.
    If that's not it, I am guessing there might be issues with relative positioning and the like that may be causing the compatibility issues. Because of the kinds of changes I was making, I had to do some extensive adjustments to the xml. I have a backlog and can try to take a look at it in near future. I will also send a copy of the extension over to damned to see if there might be an easy fix he can find.
    Yep. I am up to date. Here is the screen I supplied earlier in the thread. Is v7 not the most recent? Tweaks on = no lock. Tweaks off = lock.

    Thanks for helping out. I am hopeful it is an easy fix.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  5. #65

  6. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Mad Nomad has sent me a copy of his extension. Ill look at it over the weekend.
    Cool! Thank you.

  7. #67
    love this extension and cannot believe this isnt baked in. The fragile nature of the character sheets always surprised me. One problem though -- no extensions - new campaign - locked sheet - I can edit proficiency and AC. Known issue>?

    Screenshot 2022-09-16 143350.png

    Screenshot 2022-09-16 143445.png

    I wish everything was locked down. Can't tell you how many times someone has unintentionally toggled something on/off they shouldn't have, and we wound up playing incorrectly. Its not really an issue of trust with my players, as it is with just accidental breaking a stat.

    There has got to be better ways to keep the sheet unbroken apart from exporting and crosschecking.

    Versioning anyone? Revert changes?


    I was expecting 'lock' to mean, they can't toggle proficiency, ctrl+scroll up modifiers, ect. ect.

    Any advice is much appreciated.
    Last edited by spencerg; September 16th, 2022 at 22:56.

  8. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Mad Nomad has sent me a copy of his extension. Ill look at it over the weekend.
    was just going to report the same thing

    Also, post below has some images
    this extension is exactly what i was looking for. As it stands, im not so much concerned about it working with MN sheets, as i am wanting it to lock down toggling proficiencies and some of the other fields. As it stands now, it’s allowing you to modify a few things that are listed as lockout. Tested on clean campaign. bravo on this ect, such a headache preventer. I keep a close eye on the sheets because it’s so incredibly easy to modify things you shouldn’t have. This should honestly be baked into the core. Let me know if u need additional info or help testing.

    cheers !

    ps. didnt you just post an action economy tracker on fire

  9. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Mad Nomad has sent me a copy of his extension. Ill look at it over the weekend.
    Last time i checked with a clean environment, i was still able to toggle proficiency, saves, skills … but abilities did lockout. Is this something you’re aware of? I tried going in to look at it myself, but for some reason, I can’t find the extension in the extensions folder.. even though i have it and it’s on. in any event, I don’t want to spam about it, but i think this is a hugely valuable extension that saves alot of stress. It so easy for a new player to break their sheet unintentionally, and right now i have to manually back up those fields to a doc, and cross check to make sure it’s right periodically. I screwed one up the other day, just one wrong click… lost proficiency. Any help greatly appreciated dammed,

    and bravo on this great idea. Let me know if i can test provide feedback.

    ps. Being logged in as DM wouldn’t change the way this behaves right? What i mean is im screwing with the character sheets as a GM host… would it matter?

  10. #70
    I didn't want to spam you Dammed, I'm just curious if you saw my message.

    Is it intended behavior to

    1) be allowed to toggle proficiencies on/off/expertise when locked?
    2) be allowed to modify abilities?

    What I was looking for was a way to lock down all of that, and I thought that's what this did. Its so easy to accidently toggle those off and not even notice it.

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