Thread: Future plans
April 1st, 2022, 08:07 #11
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I have just bought this. A great simple system to play with my Sons while they are in two different University
Any up date on out of the pit please ? would save me a lot of time typing lol
April 1st, 2022, 19:34 #12
It is in review with the FGU admin team! So a "soon" (tm) release
April 1st, 2022, 19:40 #13
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thank for taking the time to reply. it is appreciated
April 2nd, 2022, 17:04 #14
I am told that "Out of the Pit" is at the final stage of review, and should be released very, very soon.
Combat Companion is not far off being submitted, I have a free adventure almost done that I will release on Forge and the Heroes Companion is part done!
April 3rd, 2022, 02:24 #15
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great to hear , thank you. My bank balance weeps for I will buy them all
May 28th, 2022, 11:54 #16
A quick update.
Out of the Pit is now released.
Our next, ongoing, task is to get the weapons and armour as Items, so that they can be added to parcels etc. I am not certain exactly how long this will take to complete, but it is being done right now.
Once that is complete, we should be able to submit the "Combat Companion" for release almost immediately. and fairly shortly after that "The Warlock of Firetop Mountain"
We also have planned Heroes Companion, Demons of Doom, Beyond the Pit and Stellar Adventures!
May 28th, 2022, 12:06 #17
Amazing, thank you so much! Can’t see it in the store yet but will keep checking.
May 28th, 2022, 12:08 #18
May 28th, 2022, 17:41 #19
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Thank you
it says it will be available on the 2nd of Mar 22 lol I guess they mean 2 of June. I will keep checking and buy ASAP, I have been really looking forward to this one , thank you Sir
May 28th, 2022, 18:20 #20
It's in the final review stage. Some information around the release process is detailed here:
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