5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1


    I like to know if VISMOD and VISMAX can be used in all visions and I like to know if I can use in all rulesets and how to use.

  2. #2
    Here's some information I sent to @WishX to help with updating the wiki soon. Please note that it only works for rulesets built on CoreRPG; and only if the ruleset has not overriden the default behaviors.

    VISMAX: #
    Standard vision is reduced to the specified range; and special visions are capped to the specified range (i.e. if special vision defined on sheet or other effects gives greater range than cap, then the range is reduced to cap). Also, this only applies to visions affected by Blinded condition (i.e. not Blindsight)

    VISMOD: #
    Any vision type (standard or special) which has a fixed range (either inherently (i.e. VISION: 60 darkvision) or due to VISMAX) will be adjusted by the specified number (positive or negative). Visions with unlimited range are not affected. Also, this only applies to visions affected by Blinded condition (i.e. not Blindsight).


  3. #3
    This is great. I am currently running Dragon Heist ch. 4 in winter, where visibility is supposed to be limited to 60 ft. due to the blizzard. Can you confirm that VISMAX works in 5E (given your statement "only if the ruleset has not overriden the default behaviors")?

  4. #4
    It definitely works in 5E. I do most of my testing in CoreRPG and 5E specifically.


  5. #5
    VISMAX: 5 works well for cardinal direction NSEW squares, but not diagonal NE/NW/SE/SW squares.

    I tested this in FGU for PF1E. I set VISMAX: 5 to simulate only being able to see adjacent squares when in Obscuring Mist spell effect. It reveals tokens in the NSEW adjacent squares, but doesn't reveal a token in one of the diagonal adjacent squares. I tried bumping up the VISMAX slightly to see if it would reveal the diagonal adjacent squares, without success. The VISMAX effect only works in increments of 5, thus VISMAX 6 through VISMAX 9 are same as VISMAX 5, and if set to VISMAX 10 it will let you see opponents 2 squares away, which is not desired in this use case.

    Per this image, which is me as the GM using Player Vision Preview Mode, you'll see the the character with VISMAX effect ring can see the character to the East and South, but not the Southwest (grayed out). https://imgur.com/a/AMeSN4a
    Last edited by Schneiderpants; January 19th, 2022 at 22:06.

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