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  1. #11
    Thanks Sulimo for helping out. There are still some issues with the old spell list code so adding them in the ruleset won't export them the way that they need to be exported for a module. It still requires some XML changes to fix them up. I plan on finishing up redoing the spell lists after I complete the table resolver changes that I am working on now.

  2. #12
    Thanks both.

    So, Sulimo's modded file worked fine (I had to load it as an extra module from the 'Library' first) - thanks so much for this.

    So my next question: If I'm planning to add all the base lists/optional lists, etc from the various companions, and am not familiar with XML, I guess the safest way is to do this process manually for each of say 35 base lists (or whatever from 7 companions) and load in all 35 modules? It seems neater to make one module with all new lists for each Companion then load each of these in. I guess I just follow the same coding pattern as Sulimo has given for the DB.xml file below and adjust for each list in the file, right?

    Second question: rather than populate each spell list as I go, I've just been creating each list, but not populating any spells yet, just to set out the framework. (the few exceptions are the RMC1 Paladin list below, which happened to be a carbon copy of another existing list, which I just copied over and re-named). If I keep this process of just building the spell list 'framework', then go back and add in the spells later (as I need them), will the module 'retain' the new spells as I add them, or will I need to export and reload each module as I add in the spells?

    Dakadin - appreciate you have this in your sights already, so it may just be better just to wait till you've done your "magic", on the... er... magic?


  3. #13
    Sulimo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeRPG View Post
    Thanks both.

    So, Sulimo's modded file worked fine (I had to load it as an extra module from the 'Library' first) - thanks so much for this.

    So my next question: If I'm planning to add all the base lists/optional lists, etc from the various companions, and am not familiar with XML, I guess the safest way is to do this process manually for each of say 35 base lists (or whatever from 7 companions) and load in all 35 modules? It seems neater to make one module with all new lists for each Companion then load each of these in. I guess I just follow the same coding pattern as Sulimo has given for the DB.xml file below and adjust for each list in the file, right?
    Yeah, that should work. Have a look at the document I linked earlier about creating adventure modules. You are not creating an adventure, but the concept is similar, and the document has some good practices.

    Second question: rather than populate each spell list as I go, I've just been creating each list, but not populating any spells yet, just to set out the framework. (the few exceptions are the RMC1 Paladin list below, which happened to be a carbon copy of another existing list, which I just copied over and re-named). If I keep this process of just building the spell list 'framework', then go back and add in the spells later (as I need them), will the module 'retain' the new spells as I add them, or will I need to export and reload each module as I add in the spells?
    Yes, every time you update a list by adding a spell, you would need to re-export. Then as Dakadin mentioned, you would have to go do the manual clean up of the XML to get it to load up properly.

    I would suggest you get one list with one spell, and then have a look at the db.xml and see how it is structured, from there, you could just keep adding spells directly in the XML, and zipping it back up and overwriting the file in the modules directory. This is actually what I did with a module of creatures (for Middle-earth).

    Dakadin - appreciate you have this in your sights already, so it may just be better just to wait till you've done your "magic", on the... er... magic?

    Dakadin has worked a bunch of magic on the RMC ruleset. I got FG and RMC back in late 2014, and the changes since then are almost night and day.

    I am really looking forward to the upcoming changes that he has been working on. It's going to make combat just that much quicker. The other things he's been working on as well have just been great.

  4. #14
    That all makes sense, thanks!

    I think that's a big chunk of work well out of my league, so I'm gonna stay with the system I've already started, i.e. have the 'base lists' linked to each profession, which works fine, and also searchable under a new group 'RMC 1' I've made under Spells.

    It all works fine so far as it goes... I was just interested in seeing if the new lists would show up on the "master" spell lists (sorry, don't know the proper term) and if I was doing anything wrong. I'll take a look through the link you sent when I have little time, thanks for sending this. It's kinda good to know I'd got everything about as far (and correct) as I reasonably could!

    The development work to RMC looks huge - just from reviewing the older tutorial videos and manuals out there, it's very clear how well things have moved on.

    Thanks for your help and taking the time, it is much appreciated :-)

  5. #15
    JohnD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeRPG View Post
    The development work to RMC looks huge - just from reviewing the older tutorial videos and manuals out there, it's very clear how well things have moved on.
    Oh absolutely... Dakadin has done some beautiful work on the ruleset in the last year or so; a number of huge steps forward.
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    - John Diefenbaker

    RIP Canada, February 21, 2022

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by MikeRPG View Post
    Dakadin - appreciate you have this in your sights already, so it may just be better just to wait till you've done your "magic", on the... er... magic?
    It will at least make it so you don't have to use XML to add them. It will also added effects and a few other things to the spell lists and spells but you could always add the extra stuff to what you are working on once it is released.

  7. #17
    Ok so a few weeks on since we discussed this.... it looks like we've either had a wonderful new update to the RM FG system, or I missed something when messing with this before. (it must be a new update, obviously)

    So it's now possible! I can create all the professions and associated base spell lists from (say) RM2 Companion II and wrap them into a new RMCII module. Here's what I did:

    • From 'Professions' create a new Group, 'RMCII'
    • Create the new RMCII professions in that group in the usual way.
    • Ditto with the new base spell lists. The massive new change here (I'm sure this didn't work when I tried it before) is that you can now overtype 'custom list' with the new spell list name (so 'Necromancer Base', or whatever).
    • Assign the new base lists to each new profession.
    • To make the new 'RMCII' module, go 'Library > Export', then drag ALL the new professions and base lists into the new module. (I took a screenshot of the RMCII cover and uploaded that so it even has the right cover image.).
    • Now load the module in the usual way when you load up, and all the new professions and associated spell lists work. Importantly, the new spell lists also show correctly under the characxter sheet 'Spells' tab drop down lists (which is where my original question started).

    NOTE: I'm still having some issues of the new module info not 'capturing' correctly and being retained when I reload the module, but i think this is 'user error' and lack of familiarity with the 'import a module' thing. I need to be REALLY careful that ALL the new professions and spell lists are correctly dragged across into the new module when creating it - it's easy to miss one when there are lots involved. Also, the module needs LOTS of spells adding so will probably been done in stages. Assuming you only one want one 'master' module for each RM Companion, you need to be scrupulously careful with versioning the module and making sure each updated version has ALL the necessary material in it. I've made errors on each try so far, and lost quite a bit of work on each one. User error, but one to watch.

    I assume Dakadin warrants the huge thanks for this wonderful step, but big thanks also to whoever else made that happen!

    Just need to populate about 1000 spells in, now...

  8. #18
    Sulimo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeRPG View Post

    • To make the new 'RMCII' module, go 'Library > Export', then drag ALL the new professions and base lists into the new module. (I took a screenshot of the RMCII cover and uploaded that so it even has the right cover image.).
    Instead of doing it this way (where as you mentioned it is prone to mistakes if you miss something), in the export window are check boxes for different things. Check the boxes for Professions and Spell Lists. That will include any Profession or Spell List you have created in that campaign and exclude the ones built into the RMC base books (Character Law, Spell Law, Companion I).

    This way you really don't need to create a group either (it won't export the group any way).

    If all you have is your new Professions and Spell Lists, you can simply click on Select All. It will only include things created in the campaign, it will never export what is in an existing module.

    I would definitely recommend doing one 'development campaign' for each Companion. That way if you need to update one of them, load up the development campaign, update it, then export again.

    After exporting, unload, then re-load the module in question to get it to refresh with the new info (or right-click and choose revert changes should work as well).

  9. #19
    Hello, I've been trying to follow this to export some spell lists I entered manually in FGU, but when I open the zip file in note pad to edit it, the spell list is always the one I already converted. I created 'Conveying ways' within FG and began entering the data there as a new spell list, and then exported it as described. Opening the zip version of it, all the entries are for Metal Lore, which was the previous list that I had edited and saved, except for the options I entered in the export dialogue, so the title is correct, but all other details are the previous list. What am I doing wrong?

    Also, how do I enter notes for a spell list at the top of the list before it begins with the first spell description?
    Last edited by Spacecookie; October 27th, 2022 at 11:15.

  10. #20

    The old lists that you entered will be in the export if it is done in the same campaign but should contain any new spell lists that you've added. You do need to use /export each time you make changes.

    The notes need to be edited in the XML.

    Please let me know if that doesn't answer your questions.


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