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  1. #21
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milke View Post
    I don't know what I'm doing wrong. But there is nothing on any of the creatures that says apply all effects. I keep trying the PCROLL thing, and I used the gorilla from the YouTube example. And when I go to the gorilla, there is no button that applies the effects.
    It needs to be added as a NPC automation entry.

    Add some text in the ability description - something like Apply All Effects - this will be the text that you double-click on. Then, in the associated automation field (make it visible through the campaign options) add "Apply All Effects"|ApplyAllEffects (include the quotes) then tab out of the field and square brackets will be put around the Apply All Effects text in the ability description - double-click on that to trigger the automation.

    Details on creature automation here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...and-Automation
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  2. #22
    Ohhhhh. Okay. My misunderstanding. I had thought it was just something that had been added to the creatures. I didn't know I had to add it.
    My mom says I'm smart. I promise

    So, most the creatures in the Bestiaries are Read Only. So I need to make a copy of any creature I want to use, so that I can edit it.
    Last edited by Milke; May 26th, 2021 at 22:23. Reason: +

  3. #23
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milke View Post
    Ohhhhh. Okay. My misunderstanding. I had thought it was just something that had been added to the creatures. I didn't know I had to add it.
    Maybe ShadeRaven will go back and update past creatures. But currently, as part of Release 18, there were no updates to Bestiaries 1 or 2.
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  4. #24
    It took me a few minutes, but I figured it out.
    But the cool thing is I can add as many effects as I want to a save condition. So, like, the gorilla says targets are flat-footed as long as they're Frightened. So on Frightened 2, I added a semi-colon and Effect: Flat-footed[D:2][END]. And the same thing on Frightened: 1 with a [D:1].
    A bunch of cool ways to do effects now.

  5. #25
    I'm trying to make a NPC automation: "Apply All Effects"|ApplyAllEffects|Save: fortitude[DC:15]|Effect: Enfeebled: 1[FAILURE]|Effect: Enfeebled: 2[CRITFAILURE]

    But the ApplyAllEffects it's only working when the PC rolls a Critical Failure, it's not working on a normal Failure. Am I doing something wrong?

    Test Automation.PNG

    The blue line is when I hit the ApplyAllEffects.

    I made this from the exemple on video #5 from the test: Exemple Automation.PNG
    Last edited by Dargos; May 27th, 2021 at 11:03.

  6. #26
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dargos View Post
    I'm trying to make a NPC automation: "Apply All Effects"|ApplyAllEffects|Save: fortitude[DC:15]|Effect: Enfeebled: 1[FAILURE]|Effect: Enfeebled: 2[CRITFAILURE]

    But the ApplyAllEffects it's only working when the PC rolls a Critical Failure, it's not working on a normal Failure. Am I doing something wrong?
    Refer to the information here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...and-Automation and in the Google Doc linked at the beginning of that thread.

    Each automation entry needs to be on a new line. The screenshot you include of the gorilla shows the summary information shown in the combat tracker, not the actual full automation code.

    The full automation code from that screenshot is as follows, with each entry on an individual line:

    "DC 20 Will save"|Save: Will[DC:21]
    "*** Apply All Effects ***"|ApplyAllEffects
    "flat-footed"|Effect: Flat-footed[D:1][END][FAILURE]
    "frightened 1"|Effect: Frightened: 1[FAILURE]
    "frightened 2"|Effect: Frightened: 2[CRITFAILURE]
    "critfail"|Effect: Flat-footed[D:2][END][CRITFAILURE]
    Note: "critfail" doesn't actually match anything within the description text, so nothing is highlighted in the text. But the effect does get applied to a critical failure when using ApplyallEffects.
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  7. #27
    It's working now, thank you very much, Trenloe. For your hard work and your patience with me.

  8. #28
    Looking forward to a video on PC Feature Automation, because the document on it makes my head hurt. I can't get any spells to work on character sheets now. The apply all effects buttons don't do anything when a spell is cast at an NPC, and I'm trying to figure out how to re-program all the spells to make them work again before my game this weekend.
    The effects button inside weapon windows in the Actions tab. That probably does something really cool? Like, can it be used to add critical effects and stuff?

    Trenloe and SR, where are y'all's tip jars located? You should earn an extra buck for every post reply you make.

  9. #29
    With 'Players roll PC Targeted Saves' set to on in the options, if the GM casts the spell rather than the player, this happens,

    If the GM then rolls the save from the NPC character sheet, we get this in the chat.

    But the Apply All button does not apply the effect. I even tried on the player side. If you cast the spell on the player side, the save roll is automatic. I double-checked the spell and can see that the effect has been set up correctly. The Apply all button also works on the player side.

    If I click the effect button instead for the failed save, then the enfeeblement is applied correctly, but the PCROLL line in the CT remains. This works from the GM or player side.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  10. #30
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spoonhead View Post
    But the Apply All button does not apply the effect. I even tried on the player side. If you cast the spell on the player side, the save roll is automatic. I double-checked the spell and can see that the effect has been set up correctly. The Apply all button also works on the player side.
    The apply all button applies the effects OK for me. The thing it doesn't do is remove the PCROLL effect from NPCs, only from PCs - I'll get a fix for that.

    What version of release 18 do you see in chat? It should be Release 18b at this point.
    Are you running any extensions?
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