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  1. #31
    Interesting, thank you for making this!

    Is it possible to do a bane damage type effect? I know I can accomplish this if I add the bane type effect on a player but not sure how (or if it's possible) to do it on a weapon. This effect will deal the 2d6 damage and then expire at the end of the inititive round, but the extension won't add multiples of the effect (incase the baddie gets hit 2+ times with the giants bane weapon) and it still rolls a save (which on a natural 20 won't apply the desired effect regardless of DC).

    On hit effect:
    IF: TYPE(Giant); DMGO: 2d6+2

    On player effect:
    IFT: TYPE(Giant); ATK: 2; DMG: 2d6+2;

    I think I'm reaching for the stars, just curious.
    Last edited by Sudain; June 15th, 2021 at 06:56.

  2. #32
    SoxMax's Avatar
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    Massachusetts, USA
    Modifying the chance to hit and adding extra damage to the weapon hit isn't something the extension does unfortunately. I have been toying with the idea of making adding a conditional to effects that only applies when using a specific attack but I haven't had time to dive into it yet.

  3. #33
    Not a problem. I thought I was reaching too high, but it's good to know. Thank you!

  4. #34
    SoxMax's Avatar
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    Massachusetts, USA
    @Sudain I just realized you can probably accomplish what you want with bmos Advanced Effects extension. You can set an effect like IFT: TYPE(Giant); ATK: 2; DMG: 2d6+2; on the weapon you want using that extension and flag it as Action Only so the effect will only apply when swinging that weapon.

    Full docs for the extension are here: https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Adv...main/README.md

  5. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by SoxMax View Post
    @Sudain I just realized you can probably accomplish what you want with bmos Advanced Effects extension. You can set an effect like IFT: TYPE(Giant); ATK: 2; DMG: 2d6+2; on the weapon you want using that extension and flag it as Action Only so the effect will only apply when swinging that weapon.

    Full docs for the extension are here: https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Adv...main/README.md
    Oh dang, thank you. That's awesome! You are amazing!

  6. #36
    Just wanted to say thanks, SoxMax. This extension keeps making me very happy to have it. Just realized that I can fully automate the vicious property with this thing (using Kelrugem's beefy extension).

    For those who may not know, all you have to do is place TDMG: 1d6 melee in the description line and it will roll against the wielder when damage is rolled; set the duration for 1 round so it doesn't remain there forever. I don't know of any way to make it roll for just that one action, but this works just fine in my opinion.

  7. #37
    Hi! Just tried the extension and it works perfectly, but on the weapon the effect doesn't show.
    When several effects applied you can't distinguish one from the other

    Captura de pantalla 2023-03-02 204142.png

  8. #38
    SoxMax's Avatar
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    Massachusetts, USA
    I've pushed an update to the forge with a fix for the display on the attack description window not updating when the effect is updated.

  9. #39
    Hey SoxMax, thanks for this extension. Any chance you could make an On Hit Effects for 5e? I don't know how easy it is to apply it to that collection, but it would be awesome if you did.

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