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  1. #11
    Finally decided to make a test character just to try out your mod. One thing I encountered instantly is that I can hardly enter any skill values into each skill on a character! Is there any trick to this I don't know of? 2021-05-10 (1)_LI.jpg
    Last edited by Chorpa; May 10th, 2021 at 08:29.
    Current Game: Post-Tyranny of Dragons Campaign (5E)
    Previous Games: Rise of Tiamat (5E), Heroes of the North/Princes of the Apocalypse (5E), GURPS Old West/Horror, Hoard of the Dragon Queen (5E), Star Wars - Dawn of Defiance (FFG)
    Twitch Channel:
    YouTube Channel: Sharma

  2. #12
    To enter a skill value you have to hover the mouse over the skill, press ctrl and use your scroll wheel to increase or decrease the number. I found it too easy for my players to click the skill, then enter a number, thereby deleting the skill number.

  3. #13
    Ahh will try that. Thanks.
    Current Game: Post-Tyranny of Dragons Campaign (5E)
    Previous Games: Rise of Tiamat (5E), Heroes of the North/Princes of the Apocalypse (5E), GURPS Old West/Horror, Hoard of the Dragon Queen (5E), Star Wars - Dawn of Defiance (FFG)
    Twitch Channel:
    YouTube Channel: Sharma

  4. #14
    Firstly big thanks for the time and effort.

    I cannot load the imperative mode or the workbook. They dont show up through Universal Module. Ive checked: they are in the correct folders. Something I'm doing but cant work it wout

  5. #15
    damned's Avatar
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    Mar 2011
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    Universal Modules does not know about this ruleset yet. I will need to update that extension at some point for this and a few other rulesets tat are not currently supported.

    If you create a new Mythras Campaign then the modules will load.

  6. #16
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I've been wishing for this for so long!

    I've been keen to run a Mythras game next when my current campaign ends, and the lack of support in FG has been killing me while other VTTs have Mythras support. Thanks to you I can stay with FG to play Mythras! I can't wait to try this out.

  7. #17
    New update and reference book for the mod now included.
    The main addition is a mini character sheet added to the NPC sheet.
    NPC Sheet.png
    Last edited by Lonarandir; May 30th, 2021 at 05:32.

  8. #18
    I have been (im)patiently waiting for a FG Mythras ruleset, well done!!!
    Jolly Cooperation.

  9. #19
    You are welcome.
    I created this mod as I was inspired by Damned's work with the Ruleset Wizard. I also hope that as a community we can get Smiteworks to create a fully authorised version of Mythras, or even Runequest.
    Stay tuned to this thread as my Mod is a work in progress and I am continually updating it as I become more competent with the Ruleset Wizard.

  10. #20
    Will do! I've been dabbling in Ruleset Wizard but haven't had near the success you have; again, well done!
    Jolly Cooperation.

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