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  1. #1

    Issues with Effects

    SW Version v5.2.17 (I have reported similar for earlier 5.2 versions)
    FGU 4.0.10 (Ultimate. if that matters, but similar has happened under earlier versions).

    I have been having issues with applying effects groups and targeted individuals. I noticed that this has expanded to spell effects as well.

    Issue 1 - Hitting the button for an Effect applies it to a random (well, at least not the intended target) if the individual is in a group. I have reported it before. If I have a group of 5 NPCs and its one of their turn (they have the little flag thing on them), hitting an effect button applies it to some other NPC in the group.


    Issue 2 - This is newer to me - in the past if a caster picked a number of targets, you could hit the Effect button in the Power description and it would apply it to all the targets. This seems to have broken. It will apply it to the caster and some of the targeted. I thought it might be the same group issue (and in a group, one time it did apply it to the same guy multiple times in the chat). But the attached example the priest has targets both in a group and outside a group. It applied it to himself and one other in the group multiple times.

    I have had these issues across multiple campaigns with different extensions and no extensions. This happens both with and without players connected.

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  2. #2
    Doswelk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Surrey, UK
    I have never experienced either of those situations, but ONLY because I have never done it that way!

    I have always manually applied effects, I am not sure if what you found worked was intended or not!

    If it was supposed to work that way, why did Ikael never show me that
    My players just defeated an army, had a dogfight with aliens, machine-gunned the zombies, stormed the tower, became Legendary and died heroically

    Yours are still on combat round 6

    Get Savage
    Ultimate License Holder.
    First GM to post a game for the original FG Con!

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Doswelk View Post
    I have never experienced either of those situations, but ONLY because I have never done it that way!

    I have always manually applied effects, I am not sure if what you found worked was intended or not!

    If it was supposed to work that way, why did Ikael never show me that
    Much like everything in FG, there are three ways to do everything

    1. The blunt force way
    2. A more elegant way
    3. "Holy S%^( that is cool, why did I not know this?" way

    But I recall threads about them, especially the one where you could drag an effect to the quick bar and use it on your PC/NPC when its their turn by just hitting the quick bar button. Handy for wild-attacking barbarians. I can confirm these approaches have worked under various versions FGU, but not recently.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Ballston Lake, NY
    We saw all these same bugs in our last game on Thursday. I (as GM) wound up doing all the effects because it was so bad. I'm guessing changes to effects have been deployed ahead of the big lighting update.

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