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  1. #301
    Quote Originally Posted by TheoGeek View Post
    Hey Aridrho!

    First off...LOVING this module, I use it all the time!

    I'm wanting to modify some of the effects and was wondering if there are any "best practices". For example, a sun blade. You have the "LIGHT: 15 FBFDB3" effect in there, but I want to use the falloff capability of FGU and change it to "LIGHT: 15/30 FBFDB3". Should I just update the existing effect or create a new one? And it's got an associated power (spell) that needs to be updated too, right (for Equipped Effects).

    I've seen some advocate for both changing the existing effect and some advocate for copying to a new one and changing the name (like appending a * to it), but it seems like copying the original effect to a new one doesn't require changing the name (it's like if EE has an order it looks at like "localfirst then module" or something.)

    Just wondering if there is a "recommended" way to do it.

    Thanks again!
    LIGHT: 15 FBFDB3 is exactly the same as LIGHT: 15/30 FBFDB3. The fall off is auto calculated if you use one number.
    Best to copy to your db and rename it. It will be selected first, as MrDDT mentioned.
    Fantasy Grounds Converter for Grim Press
    My projects:

  2. #302
    Super exciting news!!

    Thanks to a fantastic collaboration with Ryan and Me&Unique, I had the great opportunity to finetune 5eAE automatic effects with the effects they created for their extension:
    - Better Combat Effects Gold by Ryan Rhagelstrom ,
    - Better Combat Effects by R. Rhagelstrom
    - Constitutional Amendments by MeAndUnique,
    - Blissful Ignorance by MeAndUnique,
    - Size Matters by MeAndUnique, and
    - Kit'N'Kaboodle by MeAndUnique

    Atm, I finished MM's update and the spells from PHB, but I will update all my products, while continuing to work with Ryan and Me&Unique to finetune everything as good as possible. Check out my updated products in your library or buy them using the following links:
    - 5E Automatic Effects Bundle (20% discount)
    - 5E Automatic Effects Player's Handbook (EXT SUPPORT UPDATE: Spells)
    - 5E Automatic Effects Monster Manual (EXT SUPPORT UPDATE: 100% Completion)

    Last edited by Aridhro; January 22nd, 2022 at 18:35.
    Fantasy Grounds Converter for Grim Press
    My projects:

  3. #303
    Better Combat Effects Gold integration

    This modules will supports effects coding created by Ryan Hagelstrom for the extension Better Combat Effects Gold, available on the Fantasy Grounds Forge:
    Better Combat Effects Gold (FG Forge)
    These packages are made with the Better Combat Effects Gold version in mind.
    By using the free version of Better Combat Effects, you can benefit from a limited amount of effects, supported by the free version:
    Better Combat Effects (FG Forge)

    Turn Modifiers

    *TURNAS will cause an effect to ACTIVATE on the START of the PC/NPC turn.
    *TURNDS will cause an effect to DEACTIVATE on the START of the PC/NPC turn.
    *TURNRS will cause the effect to be REMOVED on the START of the PC/NPC turn if current duration is 1.
    *TURNAE will cause an effect to ACTIVATE on the END of the PC/NPC turn.
    *TURNDE will cause an effect to DEACTIVATE on the END of the PC/NPC turn.
    *TURNRE will cause the effect to be REMOVED at the END of the PC/NPC turn if current duration is 1.
    *STURNRS will cause the effect to be REMOVED on the START of the source of the effects turn if current duration is 1.
    *STURNRE will cause the effect to be REMOVED on the END of the source of the effects turn if current duration is 1.
    *(DE) will cause the effect to be disabled when added to the CT

    Rest Tags

    *RESTL , for long rest and RESTS for short rest. These tags will REMOVE an effect on short rest or long rest. Effects with RESTS will also be removed on long rest.

    Automatic Ability Score

    *Items that adjust an ability score to a number. Item of Giant Strength, Headband of Intellect, are automatically calculated when added to the PC/NPC on the combat tracker if they use the -X format . The effect will need to be deleted the effect and re-added it on an ASI to have the value recalculated.
    *Additionally, effects that use ability score modifiers in the format [ ABILITYSCORE ] are handled automatically. The score between [ ] or ( ) is replaced with the correct modifier


    *Multiple identical effects are now ignored. If a PC/NPC is poisoned, it won't be poisoned again. This however can be overridden with the STACK tag for effects that need to stack such as a shadow's Strength Drain. The ignore duplicates can be disabled in the options menu.

    Dice in Effect

    *Adding effect with a dice string automatically rolls the dice when the effect is applied. Only die that modify ability scores (STR,DEX,CON,WIS,INT,CHA) will be rolled: STR: (N)

    Damage Modifiers

    *DMGAT: (N) [damage type(s)][Range] will cause an effect to ACTIVATE when the PC/NPC takes damage.
    *DMGDT: (N) [damage type(s)][Range] will cause an effect to DEACTIVATE when the PC/NPC takes damage.
    *DMGRT: (N) [damage type(s)][Range] The effect will be REMOVED from the PC/NPC if they take damage.

    Dynamic Effect Duration

    *DUR: (N) Sets the duration of the effect when the effect is applied. (N) can be number or dice string

    Ongoing Damage Modifiers

    *DMGA: (N) [damage type] Apply damage when the effect is added (N) can be number or dice string
    *DMGOE: (N) [damage type] Apply ongoing damage at the end of the actors turn. (N) can be number or dice string
    *SDMGOS: (N) [damage type] Apply ongoing damage at the start of the actors turn who applied the effect. (N) can be number or dice string
    *SDMGOE: (N) [damage type] Apply ongoing damage at the end of the actors turn who applied the effect. (N) can be number or dice string

    Ongoing Regeneration Modifiers

    *REGENA (N) Apply one time regeneration when the effect is added. (N) can be number or dice string
    *REGENE: (N) Apply regeneration at the end of the actors turn. (N) can be number or dice string
    *SREGENS (N) Apply regeneration at the start of the actors turn who applied the effect. (N) can be number or dice string
    *SREGENE (N) Apply regeneration at the end of the actors turn who applied the effect. (N) can be number or dice string
    *TREGENA (N) Apply one time regeneration to temporary HP when the effect is added. (N) can be number or dice string
    *TREGENS (N) Apply regeneration to temporary HP at the start of the actors turn. (N) can be number or dice string
    *TREGENE (N) Apply regeneration to temporary HP at the end of the actors turn. (N) can be number or dice string
    *STREGENS (N) Apply regeneration to temporary HP at the start of the actors turn who applied the effect. (N) can be number or dice string
    *STREGENE (N) Apply regeneration to temporary HP at the end of the actors turn who applied the effect. (N) can be number or dice string

    Ongoing Save Modifiers

    *SAVES: [ability] [SDC] Roll save at the start of turn.
    *SSAVES: [ability] [SDC] Roll save at the start of the actors turn who applied this effect
    *SAVEE: [ability] [SDC] Roll save at the end of turn.
    *SSAVEE: [ability] [SDC] Roll save at the end of the actors turn who applied this effect
    *SAVEA: [ability] [SDC] Automatically roll save when the effect is added.
    *SAVEDMG: (N) [damage type] Damage done on a failed ongoing save. (N) can be number or dice string.
    *SAVEADD: (N) [effect] Add Effect from custom effects list or conditions table on a failed ongoing save. If (N), the save must fail by (N) or more to activate. If (-N) the result must be N or less to activate
    *SAVEADDP: [effect] Add Effect from custom effects list or conditions table on a passed ongoing save.
    *SAVEONDMG: [ability] [SDC] Roll save when the actor takes damage
    *SAVERESTL: [ability] [SDC] Roll save at on long rest (5E only)
    *(R) will remove the save effect on a successful save.
    *(D) will disable the save effect on a successful save.
    *(H) will deal half damage on a successful ongoing save.
    *(M) will indicate this is magical so any creature will magic resistance will gain proper advantage on the save.
    *(F) will invert the roll. SAVEDMG, (R), (D), (H) will be performed on a failed save rather than successful one.
    *(ADV) will have advantage on this save.
    *(DIS) will have disadvantage on this save.

    Damage Reduction

    *DMGR: (N) [damage type(s)][Range] Reduce the damage taken by the specified damage type(s) by (N).


    *EFFINIT: (N) Add an effect with initiative number (N)
    *[SDC] When an effect with [SDC] is applied from a PC/NPC, [SDC] will be replaced with the PC/NPCs spell save DC based off of its spellcasting ability.
    *DC: (N) If the actor has the effect DC, (N) will be added to the [SDC] when [SDC] is automatically replaced. (N) can be any number
    *(E) If the source of the effect drops to zero hit points, then this effect will be removed

    On Attack

    *ATKD Disable this effect when the actor takes the attack action.
    *ATKA Enable this effect when the actor takes the attack action.
    *ATKR Remove this effect when the actor takes the attack action.

    Save vs Condition

    *Saves against conditions will automatically be granted adv/dis based on the traits of the actor making the saving throw. The parser will match traits with the following verbiage: words ... {advantage,disadvantage} ... words ... {saves,saving throw} ... words ... {condition(s)} ... words
    *ADVCOND: [condition] or [all] Grant advantage on a save by this actor against the defined condition
    *DISCOND: [condition] or [all] Grant disadvantage on a save by this actor against the defined condition

    No Rest for the Weary

    *NOREST Actor will not gain the benefit of a short or long rest. Note: Will not prevent the actor from rolling Hit Dice
    *NORESTL Actor will not gain the benefit of a long rest Note: Will not prevent the actor from rolling Hit Dice

    No Rest for the Weary

    *NOREST Actor will not gain the benefit of a short or long rest. Note: Will not prevent the actor from rolling Hit Dice
    *NORESTL Actor will not gain the benefit of a long rest Note: Will not prevent the actor from rolling Hit Dice
    Last edited by Aridhro; January 22nd, 2022 at 19:18.
    Fantasy Grounds Converter for Grim Press
    My projects:

  4. #304
    Constitutional Amendments integration

    The modules will supports effects coding created by MeAndUnique for the extension Constitutional Amendments, available on the Fantasy Grounds Forge:

    Constitutional Amendments (FG Forge)

    The following code is supported. Check the link above for more details.

    Damage types:

    *max: The target's maximum hitpoints are reduced by the damage dealt.
    *steal* : The attacker is healed for the damage dealt to the target.
    *hsteal: The attacker is healed for half of the damage dealt to the target.
    *stealtemp*: The attacker is gains temporary hitpoints equivalent to the damage dealt.
    *hstealtemp: The attacker is gains temporary hitpoints equivalent to half of the damage dealt.
    *transfer*: The damage is dealt to the attacker and the target is healed by the damage taken.


    *SHAREDMG: n , and SHAREHEAL: n : Any damage or healing, respectively, that is received by a creature with one of these effects will be shared with another creature, in proportion with n. When the effect is targeted, the target of the effect will receive the shared damage or healing. Then the effect is not targeted, the applier of the effect will receive the shared damage or healing.
    *MAXHP: n , which will adjust the total maximum hit points of the bearer by n which can be any number.
    *HD: x - Adds when when the hit die is rolled, where x can be dice and numbers.
    *HDMULT: n - Causes the result of a hit die roll to be multiplied by n, where n is any number. Note: extra dice added by HD effects are not multiplied, but extra flat numbers are.

    Blissful Ignorance Integration

    This module supports effects coding created by MeAndUnique for the extension Blissful Ignorance, available on the Fantasy Grounds Forge:

    Blissful Ignorance (FG Forge)

    The following Effects are supported:

    *ABSORB: (n), types - When the target takes damage from one of the provided damage types, they instead are healed for n times the damage. n is optional and defaults to 1.
    *IGNORE[R]: types - Damage dealt by the bearer of this effect will ignore R to any of the damage types, where R can be one of ABSORB, IGNORE, RESIST, or VULN.
    *[R1]TO[R2]: types - Damage dealt by the bearer of this effect will treat R1 as R2 for any of the damage types, where R1 and R2 may be one of ABSORB, IGNORE, RESIST, or VULN.
    *MAKEVULN: types - Damage dealt by the bearer of this effect will treat a creature without any sort of resistance to the damage types as if they were vulnerable.
    *REDUCE: n, types - This functions exactly as RESIST: n, except it will also stack with normal resistance. Note: this will not presently stack with RESIST: n.
    *UNHEALABLE The bearer of this effect cannot benefit from any healing.

    Size Matters Integration

    This module supports effects coding created by MeAndUnique for the extension Size Matters, available on the Fantasy Grounds Forge:

    Size Matters (FG Forge)

    *SIZE: n - Adjusts the bearer n number of size increments. E.g. "SIZE: 2" will turn a small creature into a large creature.
    *SIZE: size - Makes the bearer the given size. The allowed values for size are determined by the ruleset (for any ruleset that uses "DataCommon.creaturesize").
    *SPACE: n - Sets the bearer's space to n, using the ruleset's unit of distance.
    *ADDSPACE: n - Adds n to the bearer's reach, using the ruleset's unit of distance.
    *REACH: n - Sets the bearer's reach to n, using the ruleset's unit of distance.
    *ADDREACH: n - Adds n to the bearer's reach, using the ruleset's unit of distance.
    Last edited by Aridhro; January 22nd, 2022 at 19:18.
    Fantasy Grounds Converter for Grim Press
    My projects:

  5. #305
    As I make updates (see posts above) I decided to work on new releases as well.
    Just wrapped up Fizban's Treasury of Dragons.
    So the release is coming soon!
    Fantasy Grounds Converter for Grim Press
    My projects:

  6. #306

  7. #307
    For those of you that are reading about this, but yet to take the plunge; I couldn't recommend a single product for FG 5e more than this. It elevates the experience to another level. The benefits of adding support for the other suite of extensions cannot be overstated.

    If you play 5e without this package, it's an objectively a worse experience.
    Last edited by BushViper; February 3rd, 2022 at 01:03.

  8. #308
    Quote Originally Posted by Aridhro View Post
    Constitutional Amendments integration

    The modules will supports effects coding created by MeAndUnique for the extension Constitutional Amendments, available on the Fantasy Grounds Forge:

    Constitutional Amendments (FG Forge)

    The following code is supported. Check the link above for more details.

    Damage types:

    *max: The target's maximum hitpoints are reduced by the damage dealt.
    *steal* : The attacker is healed for the damage dealt to the target.
    *hsteal: The attacker is healed for half of the damage dealt to the target.
    *stealtemp*: The attacker is gains temporary hitpoints equivalent to the damage dealt.
    *hstealtemp: The attacker is gains temporary hitpoints equivalent to half of the damage dealt.
    *transfer*: The damage is dealt to the attacker and the target is healed by the damage taken.


    *SHAREDMG: n , and SHAREHEAL: n : Any damage or healing, respectively, that is received by a creature with one of these effects will be shared with another creature, in proportion with n. When the effect is targeted, the target of the effect will receive the shared damage or healing. Then the effect is not targeted, the applier of the effect will receive the shared damage or healing.
    *MAXHP: n , which will adjust the total maximum hit points of the bearer by n which can be any number.
    *HD: x - Adds when when the hit die is rolled, where x can be dice and numbers.
    *HDMULT: n - Causes the result of a hit die roll to be multiplied by n, where n is any number. Note: extra dice added by HD effects are not multiplied, but extra flat numbers are.

    Blissful Ignorance Integration

    This module supports effects coding created by MeAndUnique for the extension Blissful Ignorance, available on the Fantasy Grounds Forge:

    Blissful Ignorance (FG Forge)

    The following Effects are supported:

    *ABSORB: (n), types - When the target takes damage from one of the provided damage types, they instead are healed for n times the damage. n is optional and defaults to 1.
    *IGNORE[R]: types - Damage dealt by the bearer of this effect will ignore R to any of the damage types, where R can be one of ABSORB, IGNORE, RESIST, or VULN.
    *[R1]TO[R2]: types - Damage dealt by the bearer of this effect will treat R1 as R2 for any of the damage types, where R1 and R2 may be one of ABSORB, IGNORE, RESIST, or VULN.
    *MAKEVULN: types - Damage dealt by the bearer of this effect will treat a creature without any sort of resistance to the damage types as if they were vulnerable.
    *REDUCE: n, types - This functions exactly as RESIST: n, except it will also stack with normal resistance. Note: this will not presently stack with RESIST: n.
    *UNHEALABLE The bearer of this effect cannot benefit from any healing.

    Size Matters Integration

    This module supports effects coding created by MeAndUnique for the extension Size Matters, available on the Fantasy Grounds Forge:

    Size Matters (FG Forge)

    *SIZE: n - Adjusts the bearer n number of size increments. E.g. "SIZE: 2" will turn a small creature into a large creature.
    *SIZE: size - Makes the bearer the given size. The allowed values for size are determined by the ruleset (for any ruleset that uses "DataCommon.creaturesize").
    *SPACE: n - Sets the bearer's space to n, using the ruleset's unit of distance.
    *ADDSPACE: n - Adds n to the bearer's reach, using the ruleset's unit of distance.
    *REACH: n - Sets the bearer's reach to n, using the ruleset's unit of distance.
    *ADDREACH: n - Adds n to the bearer's reach, using the ruleset's unit of distance.
    This right here is crazy awesome. Not only is 5eAE just a lot of saved work for the DM/Players but adding these other exts with this mod makes this almost a no brainer for 5e DM/players. It turns effects of all sorts of things into just easy reached at your finger tips and make building a character so very easy. Thank you so much for all your hard work and continued to work on this.

  9. #309
    5E Automatic Effects - Fizban's Treasury of Dragons

    Description: Instantly add effects for all spells, class features, racial traits, feats, items, and monsters found in Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons! The 5E Automatic Effects is a series of modules to aid Game Masters and Players by automatically adding coding effects in the 5e D&D ruleset on the Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop platform.

    DMsGuild Product Link: 5E Automatic Effects - Fizban's Treasury of Dragons

    Fantasy Grounds Converter for Grim Press
    My projects:

  10. #310
    I don't even own Fizban's and I bought this lol

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