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  1. #101

  2. #102
    I think I've made most major changes now but let me know if you run into any issues.

  3. #103
    When starting the ruleset now, I am getting the following:
    [11/3/2024 7:36:15 PM] MEASURE: LOAD - PART 1 - 8.6200341
    [11/3/2024 7:36:16 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "CoreRPG:scripts/manager_record_data.lua"]:7: attempt to call field 'getRecordData' (a nil value)
    [11/3/2024 7:36:16 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "CoreRPG:scripts/manager_record_data.lua"]:7: attempt to call field 'getRecordData' (a nil value)
    [11/3/2024 7:36:16 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "CoreRPG:scripts/manager_record_data.lua"]:7: attempt to call field 'getRecordData' (a nil value)
    [11/3/2024 7:36:16 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "CoreRPG:scripts/manager_record_data.lua"]:7: attempt to call field 'getRecordData' (a nil value)
    [11/3/2024 7:36:16 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "CoreRPG:scripts/manager_record_data.lua"]:7: attempt to call field 'getRecordData' (a nil value)
    [11/3/2024 7:36:16 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "CoreRPG:scripts/manager_record_data.lua"]:7: attempt to call field 'getRecordData' (a nil value)
    [11/3/2024 7:36:16 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "CoreRPG:scripts/manager_record_data.lua"]:7: attempt to call field 'getRecordData' (a nil value)
    [11/3/2024 7:36:16 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "CoreRPG:scripts/manager_record_data.lua"]:7: attempt to call field 'getRecordData' (a nil value)
    [11/3/2024 7:36:16 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "CoreRPG:scripts/manager_record_data.lua"]:7: attempt to call field 'getRecordData' (a nil value)
    [11/3/2024 7:36:16 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "CoreRPG:scripts/manager_record_data.lua"]:7: attempt to call field 'getRecordData' (a nil value)
    [11/3/2024 7:36:17 PM] [WARNING] Frame windowtitle contains out-of-range values in TopLeft.
    [11/3/2024 7:36:17 PM] [WARNING] Frame windowtitle contains out-of-range values in Top.
    [11/3/2024 7:36:17 PM] [WARNING] Frame windowtitle contains out-of-range values in TopRight.

    It is unusable for me at the moment.

  4. #104
    It sounds like the ruleset is overriding the CoreRPG LibraryData script, which no ruleset should be doing directly. Rulesets should only call into the LibraryData functions to add/override record type data (see all the other included rulesets for examples, such as 5E, 4E, 3.5E, SFRPG, etc.)


  5. #105
    Thanks Moon Wizard, I did change that a while ago so I’m not getting those errors in FG Unity.

    I think you might have downloaded the ruleset for FG Classic in post #1 by accident, Terrell. The Unity version is in post #6 or on the Forge but if you still get those errors do let me know.

  6. #106
    Thanks for the replies. I had downloaded the correct version, but had the previous version unzipped in a folder where I had made some tweaks in the rulesets directory from the last time I used the ruleset. The campaign was picking up that version. Thanks for the awesome ruleset!

  7. #107
    Thanks! I’m glad people are getting use out of it.

    I haven’t had time to read Deep Cuts in detail but I’ve added a couple of things. There’s now “Deep Cuts” in the options menu under the title “Game”. It’s off by default but switching it on changes the following (you may need to restart the game):

    • Action rolls become Threat rolls.
    • Resist rolls become Push Yourself rolls (with reduced stress taken).
    • Load labels change to discreet/conspicuous.
    • Replaces ‘push self’ bonus dice with an Edge counter.
    • Adds coin cost for crew upgrades on crew sheets.

    I’ve left the entanglements/indulge vice rolls in case GMs don’t want to incorporate all changes. Debt and advancement clocks can be created in the clock tab.

    Also general changes:
    • Made labels for light/heavy load etc editable.
    • Spaced out lines for stress/harm.
    • Removed cap on number of bonus dice.

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