5E Character Create Playlist
  1. #1

    Player and NPC tokens vanishing

    A new issue I had not seen before showed up in a game I was running last night. One of the tokens for an NPC kept vanishing whenever I put it on the map from the character tracker. I had to put it in about 4 times before it finally stuck. One of the player tokens also vanished partway through the game, and was replaced with a faint green rectangle, which none of us could interact with. I finally just moved her token from the character tracker back onto the map, and that seemed to fix the problem. The only real difference in this game and all the others that did not show this issue was the latest update of Fantasy Grounds Unity and that I had installed the Critically Awesome Essentials extension. Does anyone have any insight why this might have happened?

  2. #2
    Whenever you run into an issue, we always recommend disabling any third party extensions (such as the Critically Awesome Essentials) to see if you still have the issue.

    We have not received any other reports like this.


  3. #3
    I see this all the time, but randomly. I do use quite a few extensions though so at the end of the day I just deal with it. Minor annoyance.

  4. #4
    We just uncovered yesterday an issue where the deletion of a token that was selected by a player would cause the map to go black for that player and prevent them from selecting any other tokens. It will be in the next build of the beta FGU version (v4.1). The workaround is closing and re-opening the image window.


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