5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1

    LFP Need 1 Player Friday Nights 8PM EST, Rime of the Frostmaiden

    Edit: January 22, 2021.

    I have temporarily suspended recruitment for this session. Thank-you tall who responded.

    FG License: Fantasy Ground Unity Ultimate, player only needs demo
    Game System: D&D 5e

    Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time
    Day of week and time: Fridays at 8pm-on
    If new game, planned start date: in progress
    Planned Duration & Frequency:Every week
    Term: Long term, and on going.

    Text or Voice: Voice
    Voice software used: Discord
    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? NO

    Roleplay & Combat mix: Trying to keep it at 50/50
    Number of Players in game & needed: 3 players in game, Need 1 more.
    Age of Player Required: Mature only please.
    Character starting level & equipment: Level 3, equipment per PHB.
    Character restrictions: No multiclass, no Tasha, basic PHB/DMG
    Character Class required: Tank-ish.

    Details of your scenario: One of the most important requirements I'm looking for is YOUR commitment to the group. What I mean by this is: if you feel you cannot consistently make the sessions, please do not respond. We only have a group of 3 players, and you will be the fourth. If one person bails on a session, this affects all players and is not fair to the others who were looking forward to the game but cannot continue because you chose not to show up, however, I do understand that real-life situations come up.
    We are currently about 1/3 of the way through the module, so there will be some plot elements that may confuse you at first, but everything can be explained during your character creation. If you are interested please DM the following:

    1. What is your experience with D&D?:
    2. What are your favourite parts about D&D?:
    3. What are your least favourite parts about D&D?:
    4. What is one thing that you want to accomplish in D&D but haven't?:
    5. What are you looking for in this campaign?:
    6. How would you describe your play style?:
    7. Tell me about the character or type of character you'd like to play in this game?:
    8. Please share a bit about yourself and your personality. (Only what you are comfortable with)
    9. Any questions you may have?

    About me: I started playing D&D 2e back in the late 80's early 90's first as a player then as a DM. The group went its separate ways (marriages and kids) after a few years. Really missed the TTRPG and last year decided to look for a group to play with. That's when I came across FG and other VTTs. After researching the current VTTs at that time, FG made the most sense for me. Tried looking for a group as a player, but you all know how hard that is. So decided to jump right back into DMing. It's been a steep learning curve with FGU, but now that I have had a few months with it, it is getting a little easier. The map making is still a non-user-friendly but getting better with every update.

    My DM style: I'd like to think that I'm a pretty fair DM. I value story and in particular, including players background into the campaign whenever I can. The rules are important, but they are not a crutch. I like to ask my players for input on rulings, but in the end I will make the decision that I think is best for the overall story. I try and "voice" act most NPCs, but for some reason they all end up sounding the same , so still working on that.

    Thanks for looking.
    Last edited by Gixxer1st; January 22nd, 2021 at 15:42.

  2. #2
    What are the other members playing?

  3. #3
    Hi, I would be interested in joining your group

    1. What is your experience with D&D?: Been playing and DMing since 1995 on and off. Im currently DM for on group on Sundays and have been looking for a decent/fun group to roll as a player.
    2. What are your favourite parts about D&D?: hmm humour and story is important to me. Working on a common goal.
    3. What are your least favourite parts about D&D?: Drama or players not working for the common goal of the group. Backstory and personal character goal is important but not over the overall story of the group and the storyline the GM is trying to convey.
    4. What is one thing that you want to accomplish in D&D but haven't?: Reach an epic level. Back in the day, I played in some pretty epic and long campaign but I haven't been able to do that in 5e. The few group I was able to play in either fall apart after a few sessions or had a ridiculous number of peoples in it so nothing could really be done.
    5. What are you looking for in this campaign?: I love the Forstmaiden setting and I would like to run it myself at some point as a GM but I refuse to until I can run it as a player. Kept myself from any spoilers so far.
    6. How would you describe your play style?: I try to be respectful of everyone, I like being the funny guy sometimes but I hate wasting people's time. I usually not the ''leader'' type as far as the plot goes but I enjoy some strategy when the group is fighting enemies.
    7. Tell me about the character or type of character you'd like to play in this game?: I highly enjoy tank type or rogue (Barbarian, paladin, Fighter, rogue) but I can enjoy anything. I like a character with some flaws for RP reason.
    8. Please share a bit about yourself and your personality. (Only what you are comfortable with) 40yo, reliable and committed.
    9. Any questions you may have? Not really, really hope I can get in

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