Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #91
    Quote Originally Posted by StickClip View Post
    I'm seeing a bug on the Actions on the character sheets during combat....

    Drop Item, Push/Reposition & Knock Down/Pin

    ...all give me runtime errors when selected..

    ERROR: Invalid stuntType <stuntname> for skill nil.

    I'll attach examples.

    We're now looking into this issue and we're trying to get the bug fixed asap.


  2. #92
    Thanks Simon. I'm hearing good feedback from players on the FG implementation of Vaesen.

    I noticed a couple of more things....

    A - Defects/Insights always active
    When you give a player a Defect or Insight on the character sheet, its always active and adjusts die rolls. Since they should only fire once per session, I was hoping the check-boxes below would toggle them off, but the check-boxes don't seem to do anything.

    B - Can not adjust success
    When I adjust a combat roll on the dice tray, and then drag it onto the combat tracker, it throws a runtime error (attached). I thought it would adjust the number of successes.

    C - NPC vs PC conditions
    I think character's PC/MC score are showing one value too high on the combat tracker. Also it'd help if the tracker showed zeros for PC/MC.
    Here's my reasoning. Let's say a NPC has a physical toughness of 1. They can take one point of physical damage and not be broken but two points breaks them. The combat tracker is confusing, because after a point of damage, it show a PC of 'blank' even though the NPC isn't broken. Also showing zero instead of blank would be more clear think. (-1 showing broken would be ideal.)
    For player characters, the combat tracker shows a PC/MC of 4, but they become broken on the 4th point of damage. To stay consistent with NPCs, I'd think it'd make more sense to show that they have 3 PC and MC when uninjured.

    D - Generate on story templates
    Definitely not a bug, but wanted to check, would it be possible to change the Generate button on story templates so it could be dragged to a hotkey?

    Attached Images Attached Images

  3. #93
    I found an additional bug..

    NPCs that have taken damage are not getting penalties on their skill rolls.
    In the attached example, Jensine has taken 2 physical damage (she started with 4 physical toughness and is down to 2). On her attack roll she got her full 12, instead of 12-2 dice.


  4. #94

    image of missing npc penalty

    getting an error trying to upload the image but easy to reproduce. Just damage an npc and have them make any skill roll.

  5. #95
    Valyar's Avatar
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    Mar 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by StickClip View Post
    Thanks Simon. I'm hearing good feedback from players on the FG implementation of Vaesen.

    I noticed a couple of more things....

    A - Defects/Insights always active
    When you give a player a Defect or Insight on the character sheet, its always active and adjusts die rolls. Since they should only fire once per session, I was hoping the check-boxes below would toggle them off, but the check-boxes don't seem to do anything.

    B - Can not adjust success
    When I adjust a combat roll on the dice tray, and then drag it onto the combat tracker, it throws a runtime error (attached). I thought it would adjust the number of successes.

    C - NPC vs PC conditions
    I think character's PC/MC score are showing one value too high on the combat tracker. Also it'd help if the tracker showed zeros for PC/MC.
    Here's my reasoning. Let's say a NPC has a physical toughness of 1. They can take one point of physical damage and not be broken but two points breaks them. The combat tracker is confusing, because after a point of damage, it show a PC of 'blank' even though the NPC isn't broken. Also showing zero instead of blank would be more clear think. (-1 showing broken would be ideal.)
    For player characters, the combat tracker shows a PC/MC of 4, but they become broken on the 4th point of damage. To stay consistent with NPCs, I'd think it'd make more sense to show that they have 3 PC and MC when uninjured.

    D - Generate on story templates
    Definitely not a bug, but wanted to check, would it be possible to change the Generate button on story templates so it could be dragged to a hotkey?

    On A
    I presume you are talking about the Insight & Defects box on the Action tab of character sheet? If yes, the idea behind this is the following: The box is parsed each time a roll is made and if you are following the naming convention for roll modifier as outlined in the ruleset manual, the modifier will be automatically applied. The intention is to have some other way to apply temporary or permanent effect than keeping PCs in the Combat Tracker all the time.

    if you don't wane Insight/Defect to be applied all the time, but the player to know what the MOD is, just remove the [] and it won't be parsed.

    It is not checkbox because then players cannot come up with custom conditions and etc. or make notes as they want. In the first release it was just text field as note, but it was later enhanced based on customer requests to support automation.

    On B
    I am not sure what you mean, could you explain what you do step by step? I don't think adjustments in chat and then drag to CT are supported at all.

    On C
    The CT shows the max condition you can have before being out of commission. If we show 3 instead of 4, when you deplete the 3 you will report 0, and some might think the character is broken, while they can still operate. I prefer to have the broken also part of the calculation, which is aligned with the way NPCs are displayed.

    On D
    This is enhancement that should be done in the CoreRPG ruleset, not ours.

    Quote Originally Posted by StickClip View Post
    I found an additional bug..

    NPCs that have taken damage are not getting penalties on their skill rolls.
    In the attached example, Jensine has taken 2 physical damage (she started with 4 physical toughness and is down to 2). On her attack roll she got her full 12, instead of 12-2 dice.

    It is not strictly speaking a bug, but not implemented automation due to the fact that NPCs/Animals are mostly having 1 physical or mental toughness and the framework to track this in CT was lower on priorities compared to the Vaesen category framework (because NPC cards should not be used to track stats, this is what combat tracker is for). It is somewhere in the backlog and if there are more Vaesen products coming up in future (or sufficient time for this) we might look in that. The global desktop modifiers should serve this well.
    The past is a rudder to guide us, not an anchor to hold us back.

  6. #96
    Valyar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by StickClip View Post
    I'm seeing a bug on the Actions on the character sheets during combat....

    Drop Item, Push/Reposition & Knock Down/Pin

    ...all give me runtime errors when selected..

    ERROR: Invalid stuntType <stuntname> for skill nil.

    I'll attach examples.
    This is fixed and will be available in the next release of the ruleset, that will match the FGU release.
    I also found other minor issues as non-displaying tooltips and invalid codes submitted for stunts. Thanks for the report.
    The past is a rudder to guide us, not an anchor to hold us back.

  7. #97

    I think there is a problem with Vaesen's sheet, there is no "Identified":



  8. #98
    The Vaesen developers specifically disabled NPC identification in their implementation; so that's by design as far as I'm aware. Valyar and Simpe did the development on the Free League product DLC.


  9. #99

  10. #100
    I guess what I'm asking is a breakdown of how the combat tracker works with the PC having successes with their parry roll.
    Last edited by deejaay1018; August 25th, 2024 at 14:44.

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